Chapter 13

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"Sam, it's late and I'm tired," Quinn said running a hand through her hair. "Aren't you going to let me in?" Sam worked his jaw while narrowing his eyes at her. "Hell ,no. Aside from the fact that I love my wife with everything I am." He began to say. "There's the fact I would love to live to see my team make it to the Super Bowl." "What are you talking about, Sam?" She asked as she stifled a yawn. "I talking about Mercedes would kill me," Sam explained what he meant. "I really don't want to die right now." He said before hearing his cellphone ring in his left hand.  Sam answered the phone while keeping an eye on Quinn.

 "Hello?" He greeted into the phone. "Hey! Right now?" He said with a smile before he closed the door on Quinn and locked the bottom lock. He headed for his bedroom, while Quinn stared in shock at the outside of the front door. "Did he just closed the door on me?" She asked herself softly.

She was surprised while she continued to stand there. Quinn wasn't sure what she should do when he came back and opened the door once again.  Sam was still talking on the phone while he slid his wallet in his back pocket.Heused his keys to lock the entire door, before turning to see her still there. "Yeah, I'm on my way." He smiled past her. "No, she's not going to be there. I'll tell you more when I get there. I love you too. Bye." Sam hung up and slid the phone into his other back pocket before walking  past her. "Be gone, before I get back Quinn."

"So, does Mercedes, know you're cheating on her with another woman?" Quinn shouted back, causing him to pause in mid-step. "Be gone before I get back, Quinn." He repeated then hopped into his four door, brand new silver truck Mercedes surprised him for his birthday. Quinn watched him speed off before she sat on the porch swing. "I'm not giving up that easy. If he's cheating on her, it might as well be with me." She muttered to herself.

Sam pulled up to the airport entrance when he noticed three familiar faces. He parked and hopped out and rushed up to them. "Mama! Pop! Jeff!" Sam saidbeamingas he gave each of them hugs. Mercedes', her family, and his siblings are the only family he has left. After the hard life he had, he never thought that he would have an easy one later in life let alone a happy one. "Hi, baby! " Cynthia smiled as she gave him a kiss on the cheek, before Sam helped with their luggage.

"So, ready for the game tomorrow!" Jeff asked his brother-in-law. "Yeah, I am." Sam said. "And considering the rough week Cedes and I had, I can't wait to get to work." He said trying not to groanwhile they  all climbed in and buckled up. "What happened? Are you and Mercy in trouble, Sam?" Roger asked. " No, Pop. Nothing like that. Your baby girl and I are right as rain." Sam told his father-in-law as he smiled to himself. "It was during our glee reunion. It seemed to have followed me home." He began as they drove off.

Some time later, Quinn woke up from napping on the swing to see Sam's truck pull back up. She freshened herself up as she watched all four doors open up. She slowly stood up and squinted through the darkness, wondering who did he bring back with him. Sam and  three other people got out of the truck. She watched them close the doors before heading her way. "Sam?" Cynthia called Sam's name. He link his arm in hers and looked from where his mother-in-law was to where she was looking. His smile fell, letting her see his anger. "Didn't I tell you that I wanted you gone before I got back, Quinn?" He told her in furious tone.

Roger and Jeff brought up the rear as Cynthia and Sam stared at Quinn. "So, who is this Sam?" Quinn asked. "No one you need to know. Let me call you a cab, Quinn." Sam stated  let go of Cynthia topull out his cell phone. "Why ? So, you can have your fun with your friends and your girl on the side?" "Girl on the side?" The four of them yelled out. " She thinks your Sam's side piece!" Jeff laughed hard as he doubled over. "Is that supposed to be funny, Jeffery?" Cynthia asked as he looked up and nodded. "I look young enough. After all I still got it."Cynthia told her son with an matter of fact tone.

 "Yes, you do Cyn." Roger smiled, fighting the laughter he had building up from the silly young woman before them."I am so glad you all think this is so funny." Quinn stated, trying to mask her hurt feelings. "You know what, Sam. This isn't over and I think I will go tell Mercedes all about it." Quinn said as she began to walk off, when Cynthia stopped her. "I don't think so. First of all you aren't going anywhere. You came here to start some mess little girl, then you will stay. After all I think it's better to remember the old saying, 'keep your friends closer and your enemies even closer'. And if you plan on making Mercy an enemy, then you plan on making an enemy of me."

Quinn stared up at the woman as she narrowed her eyes at her. "And who are you supposed to be?" Cynthia closed the distance between them as she spoke. " You don't remember me, Quinn? I am Cynthia Jones. Mercedes' mother and Sam's mother-in-law. And you remember my husband, Roger and my son, Jeff. I don't know what is going on but you will stay in my sight the entire time you are here." Cynthia smirked as her eyes remained serious.

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