Chapter 10

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Mercedes turned towards the hotel's entrance and came face to face with the last person she wanted to see right then. "What are you doing here, Noah?" She said with irritated sass in her tone. Puck stepped up to her and gave a smile as he thought of the short time they dated. "I was coming out to get some air and think when I saw Sam leave and you crying. Are you okay? Did he say something to upset you? If so, I'll-." Puck stated before Mercedes cut him off. 

"You'll do what?" She sniffed the remaining tears back, not caring if he sees them. "Beat him up? Trash talk him? I mean what would you do that would make you seem like a good guy in my eyes, Noah Puckerman?"

"Anything, I can, I mean anything I need to." He admitted as he licked his lips. "I should have never let you go, Mercedes." He confessed as he reached out to caress her cheek. Mercedes flinched underneath his touch before she backed away. "I was becoming a better man when I was with you." He told her. 

She scoffed at him before speaking. "For the quick minute, we dated? You could have still been a better man without me. But you chose to go back to your old ways, because you were a teenager. Especially a teenager in a small town. And with teenagers, it seems that the world begins and ends with high school." She lectured as she kept wiping the many tears that fell. At that moment, her emotions were on high alert and everything was fair game.

"You could have been a better man, that is true. But the funny thing is you couldn't be a better man for me. And that is why I quit the Cheerios and quit you." She reminded him. "I know. I remember. But baby, I never forgot you and me together." He said, reaching out towards her again. 

Mercedes smacked his hand away as she shook her head. " Are you kidding me? First, don't 'baby', me. I'm not your baby. Second, you act like we were these great lovers. When everyone knows you were only using me because at that moment Kurt and I were the hottest things in school. We were helping Sue Sylvester rock all those pep rallies. You needed me to get your mojo flowing and dating me did it for you." She told him, moving passed him before deciding to stop.

She turned around to look at him, narrowing her eyelids. "I'm curious about one thing." "What?" He asked, walking up some. "Was what Quinn said really true?" She asked. "You mean about Lauren and Santana being a mix of you?" He said. She gave a slight nod and crossed her arms over her chest. 

" Yeah." Puck said with a sigh before confessing. "I mean, it wasn't done on purpose. But looking back in hindsight, I can see what I did." Mercedes stood there in shock at the information. "Why?" She asked. "Why, do that when all you had to do was one simple thing to keep me? Be a man. A real man with confidence, who didn't beat up nerds and geeks for pleasure." Puck looked off as he searched inside of himself to try to find the answer.

He looked up before shaking his head and shrugging his shoulders. "I-I don't know. I wish I knew why." He said looking deep into her eyes. Puck closed the distance then spoke in a whisper. "If I ever figure it out, could we still have a chance? " Mercedes looked at him as if he lost his mind. "I mean I saw Sam leave you and all." Puck stated. 

She closed her eyes at the jerk before her. She mentally thanked the Heavens above for the fact she and Puck never got any further. Mercedes opened her eyes and sighed in frustration before she gave him a stern look. Puck watched her turn and walk away,  back into the building. Leaving him out to ponder what did he say that was so wrong.

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