Chapter 5

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Quinn sat in her room as she stripped down to her bra and panties. She reached for her robe when she heard knock at the door. Slipping it on, she stumbled to the door and opened it. There she stood face to face with Rachel Berry. "What do you want, Rachel?" She asked in a monotone voice. 

"I want to know how could you, Quinn. I told you that in confidence one drunk, pity party night." Rachel said as she folded her arms over her chest. "Oh, please. Rachel don't you know drunk people talk only the truth. Just be glad I didn't tell her what you overheard that lead you to call me and get drunk with me. Rachel's eyes widened as she spoke. "Don't speak it, Quinn." "What?" Quinn paused before continuing. "You mean that they considered you Beyonce to her Jennifer Hudson?"

Mr. Shue sat in bed as he channel surfed while Holly climbed in next to him. "Will?" She called to him. "Yeah?" He said as he finally found a channel to watch. He set the remote down and glanced at her. "What's going on in your head about what Quinn said?" Will sighed as he folded his hands together and rested them on his stomach as he seriously gave it thought. Holly noticed the faraway look upon his face as she rolled her eyes. "Forget I asked." She said as she was about to lay down and turn over, facing away from him. Will reached for her hand as he spoke.

"I'm good." He simply said. Holly thought she misheard him as she faced him again. "Excuse me?" She asked him. "I said that I am good. That's Emma's problem. Not mine. When she decided to marry Carl, after I divorced Teri and let her know how I felt about her, anything she's feeling is her problem. I was hurting until you. And," He said as he pulled her towards his side as he stared deep into her eyes. "You are all I need, want, and love. So, forget Emma and Quinn's messiness and let's snuggle and check out something on tv." He smiled at her. Holly smiled as she leaned in to give him a kiss before they relaxed together, snuggling and catching a show on television.

"Diva!" Sam called from the shower. "Yes, baby?" Mercedes answered. "Order me a burger, fries and a sprite. Okay?" He said as he lathered himself up. "Okay, got it." She answered as she picked up the phone and dialed room service. "Hello, this is the presidential suite. I would like to order-. What? Your room service is closed? Well, can I still order it and pick it up? Great. I need a cheeseburger, steak fries and ketchup, a large sprite, and a caesar salad. You know what? Make that two orders of the same. Thanks. I will be right down." She said before hanging up. 

"Sam?" She called. "Yeah, Cedes?" He answered back. She walked to the door as she slipped on a pair of jeans and an old football shirt of Sam's. " The room service stopped already. But they'll still make it. So, I'll go get it. Be right back."  She told him. "Okay!" He said as he let the hot water soothe his back.

Mercedes grabbed her credit card and her key card before slipping them in her back pocket. She walked out of the door and went to the elevator  and walked on. She pressed for first floor and quietly waited for the elevator to go to each floor when it stopped on the fifth. The doors opened and Mercedes' eyes glanced upon Finn Hudson as he stepped inside. "Hi, Mercedes." He shyly spoke as he stood next to her before the doors closed. He reached over and pushed the first floor and waited for the elevator to take them both to the first floor. "Hi." She finally mumbled.

Finn gave a small smile as he glanced around before looking at her. "About what Quinn said." He began as the doors opened up, showing them they were on the first floor. "I really don't care what Quinn said, nor what you and Puck think. Especially you. So why don't you go find Rachel or whoever. Because there is nothing you can say that I need to hear." She said as she got off the elevator with him close behind. "It's true." He said before he watched he stop for a second before continuing on.

Finn followed her into the restaurant, up to the order counter as he continued speaking. "When I first met you all in glee. Back when it was just Artie, Tina, Kurt, Rachel, me, and you. In fact, it was between you and Rachel. But it was all scary. Having feelings for both of you." He said as she tried to ignore him by not focusing on his speaking but on paying for her order. " Since I would be taking a chance on both of you. I took the easy way out by choosing Rachel." He rushed out, causing her to turn around in shock at his admission.

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