Chapter 12

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Sam drove away from practice drained and tired. He couldn't wait to get into the hot tub and then slip under the covers to rest before he called Mercedes. He wished she could have come back with him, but knew she hadn't seen most of their old friends in forever. But there are three right now he wished he hadn't seen. Quinn, Puck, and Finn.  Especially with the knowledge of Finn and Puck having feelings for his wife coming out. Since neither denied it and both wanted to talk to Mercedes, he had half a mind to bring her back here.  That way she wouldn't be under their glare as they tried to be sly in secretly watching her.

Yeah, he saw them and they were too wrapped into watching her to see him looking at them. He couldn't wait until tomorrow. Because, win or lose, he was heading back to Ohio to his wife and finishing up the reunion by her side. He pulled into the driveway before shutting off the engine and getting out. Sam, hit the alarm button holding his duffel bag in one hand and the keys in the other. He sighed then yawned before he slipped the key into lock before turning the keys. 

Sam opened the door and dropped the bag and stepped inside before he inhaled and exhaled a deep breath. "Back home." He said to him and smiled while locking the door before taking his bag to the laundry room in their bedroom. He passed by pictures of her parents, their wedding with his siblings at his side. There were pictures of the Hummels and the Hummel-Andersons as well as pictures of them as a couple and now husband and wife. After starting the laundry, Sam ran a hot, relaxing bath before getting in.

His cellphone rang on the side of the huge tub before he answered it on the third ring. "Hello?" He greeted on the line. "Hi, Sam." A voice spoke on the phone. Sam sat up some in the hot tub before he started to smile. "Mama! How are you?" He said as he let the hot water soothe his aching bones and muscles. "I'm fine. How are you." The woman told him. "I'm good. How's Jeff and Pop?" Sam asked. "We're all fine." The woman said to him. "I just wanted to call and say hello to you." Sam arched a brow and smirked. "Really? Because, from what I have learned being a son-in-law for the last five years is, Cynthia Jones doesn't just call anyone just to say hi." He told her as he playfully rolled his neck. 

Cynthia laughed as she spoke. "I can just imagine that you rolled your neck doing that. But, you're right. I called to say the family and I will be visiting you for the play-offs and we can't wait to spend time with Mercedes while you play." Sam began to frown as he sighed. "Well, you are certainly welcomed. And I will have tickets for you all. But Diva isn't going to be here. She's in Ohio, where you are." He said.  "What!" Cynthia stated. "My baby is here and no one told me!" "We were coming to visit after the reunion and before we had to get back to Miami. But there was so much going on with the reunion and I got the call in the middle of it that play-offs were going to be sooner than later." Sam explained.

"Uh-huh. And what reunion is this?" Cynthia asked. "Mr. Shue put together a glee-reunion for our class and it's been something, to say the least. But when you see her, give her a kiss and hug for me." "We'll be seeing you before we see Mercedes." Cynthia said. "What?" Sam asked in confusion. "Sam, Roger and I are with Jeffery on the first-class flight already. We'll be in Miami late tonight." Cynthia told him. Sam smiled and looked up before mouthing thank you. "Okay, great! Call me as soon as you land and I will pick you up. I'm by myself and I will love it, my mother-in-law, father-in-law, and brother-in-law come stay with me." Sam said.

"What about your family?" Cynthia asked him. "My sibs are all busy with school and work but will make it to the super bowl. I got you all passes if we win." Sam added softly. "Oh, please. Sam, you and that team you're on will win. I got to go. I'll talk to you once we land, in a few hours." "Okay, mama. Later." He hung up and got out of the hot tub. Sam turned it off and hopped into the shower, then dried off and got dressed in a pair of sweats and one of his extra Miami Dolphins' practice t-shirt. He slipped on some socks as he reached for the phone and dialed a number.

It rang several times before it was answered. "Hello?" A sleepy voice stated. "Dreaming of Me, Diva?" He softly asked. "Sam!" She softly cried in a sleepy tone. "Aww, shhh. Stop the tears, Diva." Sam said in a soothing tone. "The game will be over after tomorrow, then you and I will be back together again." "Promise?"She whispered as she sniffed back the tears. " As sure as you are thinking we'll win." He chuckled. "Well, then I know I can wait. I just hate that you're alone." Mercedes said as he sighed in a content tone. "I won't be in three hours." "Huh? Who's with you now, Sam?"She said in a surprised tone. " No one. But Mama, Pop, and Jeff will all be here. Mama called from the plane and said they were surprising us by spending the playoffs with us."

Mercedes fell back against the cool pillow and sighed. "Well, that explains why I couldn't get an answer at the door when I went by the house this afternoon. Tell them hi for me." She told him. "I did. I explained we were there and going to visit but I got called away. So, are you going to watch the game alone in your room?" Sam asked, hoping Finn or Puck won't be with her by themselves. "No, I told Blaine and he called Kurt's dad. He got excited and the Hummels are throwing a football party and we all are invited." Mercedes explained. "Including Quinn, after what she's done?" Sam wondered.

"Well, yeah. But she went missing. Probably went to sulk somewhere or to dig up more dirt." Mercedes told him. "But enough of that. I can't wait until I see you playing your heart out and helping your team score another victory." "From your beautiful lips, Diva." Sam said. "I love you so much, Sam. Good luck, against the Arizona Cardinals, baby." She yawned. " I love you, baby," Sam said softly. "Go back to sleep, Diva. I'll have your mom call you later in the morning." "Okay. Or I will call her. Bye, sweetie." Mercedes said, not wanting to get off the phone.

"Bye, baby." Sam said as he reluctantly hung up the phone after her. Sam said as he could feel his heart tightened some, giving his chest a pain as he sighed a deep breath. He heard the doorbell ring as he got up and wiped his eyes ,clearing his throat. He walked out of the bedroom and smiled. "Mama, I told you to call me once you landed." He said as he answered the door. "I was supposed to pick you up remember?" He opened the door and noticed who was on the other end of it. His smile fell as his eyes locked with Quinn Fabray's.

"How were you going to pick me up when you didn't know I was coming?" She smiled. "What in the hell are you doing in Miami? And how in the hell did you find out where I lived?" He asked with anger.


Cynthia Jones - Mercedes' mom

Roger Jones- Mercedes' dad 

Jeff Jones - Mercedes' brother

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