Chapter 19

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Mercedes was in the kitchen taking a break from all the food, drink, and fun everyone was having between the living room and dining room. She was sitting at the breakfast island in her spacious, beautiful kitchen with a hot cup of white chocolate latte. The door opened up, causing her to glance and see Rachel Berry walk in. "Here you are." Rachel smiled as she walked up towards Mercedes. "Just wanted to take a breath, girl. Sip some latte and relax. Help yourself, if you want some." Mercedes offered as she sipped from her mug. "Thank you, I will." She said as she walked up and made her a cup. "So, this has been some week." Rachel said sitting down to drink. "Yeah, it has." Mercedes agreed before she took a sip.

"Mercedes?" Rachel called to her. "Yeah?" Mercedes look directly at Rachel, watching her lean in some across the table. "I want to say that I am genuinely happy for you. In everything. But mainly you and Sam." Rachel admitted honesty. "I still can't believe you two are married. When did you both see there was more?" Mercedes smiled and lightly shook her head in disbelief. "You can't believe that we are together?" She began, "Rachel if it wasn't for you coming up with that idea for the three of us to go to prom then we would've never had the chance." Mercedes said with a faraway light in her eyes. "After we dropped you off, I invited him to get something to eat. We talked and watched a movie then Monday at school he wanted to hang out again. It was nice."

Rachel listened, hanging onto Mercedes' every word and watching the happiness on her face. "We tried to stay just friends. But when did we both see it? Well, that was all thanks to Blaine and Kurt. They came over to hang out with me and Sam came to visit. The four of us were chatting and caught a movie in the family room. Later on Blaine and Kurt brought it up to our attention, separately, that the way we sat there. It was too comfortable. Like it had always been. We wanted to tell everyone and were going to until his parents met me." Mercedes told her between finishing her cup before placing it down.

"It was fine that I was a friend, but not a girlfriend. And I backed off, only dealing with Sam in and for Glee. But Sam wasn't having it. He was truly happy and liked what we had. So, he had a deep talk with me and we both began to see each other in secret. Only Kurt and Blaine knew. We ended up going to the same college and it was a good thing he got that scholarship." Mercedes continued, remembering it all like it was just yesterday. 

"Stacy and Stevie found out about us still dating, because he had to watch them one day but had football practice. So, he asked if I could watch them since his parents had found out about jobs at a plant near Cleveland. And thank goodness those kids are great. And that they liked me. Sam was going to make his parents see how great of a person I am. Then we could be free with their blessing. But he never got a chance." She said as she looked away and begin to tear up. "An 18 wheeler hit them that night. Sam's cell number, which was my old cell phone, was in his mom's purse."

Rachel began to tear up herself as Mercedes continued. "The kids were sleeping in my bed with us lying there watching tv. His cell rang and it changed his life forever. The driver of the 18 wheeler was at fault and the company paid Sam and his sister and brother very well." "I guess he decided to quit college or take time off?" Rachel asked as she pushed her cup away and rested her fists on her knuckles as she focused on Mercedes. "He was about to.  But I wouldn't let him. Then he thought that I would leave him and I was determined to make sure he never lost like that again. I wanted to make sure he, his sister, and brother stayed together. That he stayed in college and on his football scholarship. And that we stayed together."

" I went to my parents' room with him while Stacy and Stevie slept. We told them everything and since Sam had just turned 18 before we started college, he was old enough to get full custody of them. With my parents' help and the extra rooms we had."Mercedes said with tears in her eyes. "They lived with us. Sam even gave up his dorm room and put that money towards some of the money to pay for burying his parents. There was a small, private service with us and the kids. They took it so hard but slowly came around because of Sam and me."

"Wow," Rachel whispered. " I wish I could find someone like that. Between Jesse and Finn, they have good qualities but it seems with me they take two steps back. Unless you think it's me." She wondered. Mercedes thought for a moment then she spoke carefully. "A bit. But it depends on who do you want. Finn or Jesse. And how will you make that one see that loving you was the best thing they could've ever done."

"Even though Finn, along with Noah, admitted his feelings for you?" Rachel said as Mercedes playfully rolled his eyes. "He had a chance a long time ago and he didn't act on it. Hell, he couldn't make up his mind between you and Quinn. Until he chose Quinn finally. And look at how that has worked out for him. But if he still loves you and you still love him, then okay. But if you love Jesse still and he still loves you, that's something also." Mercedes hinted as she caught Rachel surprised look. 

"How do you know that?" Rachel asked. "Because he asked about you the last time I saw him. He actually went into that show choir business.  He teaches dance, writes, and publishes music for musicians. He wrote me a song that I recorded." Mercedes said while pulling out of her pocket a phone number and pushed it towards Rachel. "You have a lot to think about, girl," Mercedes said getting up and walked over to Rachel and pulled her into a tight hug. "Good luck." "Thank you. Mercedes, I've missed you." Rachel smiled as she hugged her back. "Same here, Rachel. Let's never lose our friendship again." Mercedes said. " I agree," Rachel stated. "Besides, the music and art world is big enough for both of us!" She said, causing them to both laugh.

"Cedes?" Sam said as he walked in to see the ladies hugged up, laughing and smiling. He grinned as he went up to them. "I've been looking for you. What's up?"He asked them. "Just remembering junior prom," Rachel smirked at him. Sam blushed and looked down. "She finally told you?" He asked Rachel. "Yes, she did," Rachel replied. "And I just want to say you are both welcome. I will accept payment in the form of teaching your firstborn daughter every song from Les Misérables." She said proudly, causing them to laugh.

"Daughter? Us?" Mercedes said with surprise as Rachel nodded before stepping away and walking out the kitchen. Left alone, Sam slipped his arms around Mercedes' waist and let his brain toy with the idea of having a daughter with his wife.

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