Chapter 15

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It was early in the morning when the limo bus arrived for Sam, the Jones family, and Quinn. Sam was in a dark suit and dress shoes, with his duffel bag. Cynthia was in a pair of jeans and a football shirt with Sam's team, his last name, and team number. Jeff and Roger were dressed in matching jerseys with jeans and tennis shoes also. Quinn was the only one who stuck out, dressed in a teal summer dress with matching sandals. The warm weather in Miami made everyone forget it was late fall/early winter. Sam sat near the far right window in the back and Quinn sat next to him. She was going to move closer when she felt someone sit next to her. She turned to see Cynthia give her a deathly stare.

Quinn swallowed the air in her lungs before she quietly sat back. Sam looked out the window, silently smiling to himself as he felt the limo bus drive off. By the time they arrived, he looked up at the electronic marquee as it read: AFC play-offs: Miami Dolphins vs. San Diego Chargers. Sam wanted to be excited, but his thoughts went to wondering if Mercedes was up. He looked at the time and saw that it was just 8 in the morning. He sighed and figured that she wouldn't get up until it was almost game time. The limo bus parked at the entrance then let them off before they split up. Sam went towards the locker room, while the others went to the skybox with their passes.

"Okay, everyone," Mercedes said to get everyone's attention. "I told you what rooms are available upstairs and downstairs. Feel free to pick something out. Then freshen up and get a bite to eat, because we have to go in an hour." Mercedes watched them all busily went about her grand home. She walked towards Artie and Tina as they stared at the bedroom they had to share.

"Will you both quit it?" Mercedes said to them. "Mercedes, you don't understand." Artie began. "No, I do." She admitted. "Quinn was hurtful to all of us. She wanted to make sure we were down in the dumps like her. Artie, you didn't want Tina any more. Tina, you went to Mike Chang to make Artie jealous. Anyone could see that, did. But Artie, she did care for Mike. As a friend. You were the one she wanted and married, finally." Mercedes reminded them both. "And you settled for Brittany for the same reason. To make her jealous. Stop this craziness. Just love each other. Enjoy the fact you got a chance to be with the one you want." She said as she sat down at the end of the bed next to Tina and across from Artie.

Everyone was crowded outside the room, listening. "This week, I found out two other men secretly wanted me in high school. But neither guy didn't have the guts to keep me or pursue me." Mercedes finally said aloud to them all. "And I am so sorry, but they had their chance. I am happily married to a great guy. And we have been through a lot. The loss of his parents when we were in college. Taking care of his sister and brother. And being married." She told them and smiled to herself. "I worked hard to be where I am in my life today. Thanks to Sam. And I know he'd say the same. We both took turns sacrificing to help the other's career. Sam, did it for me. And now, I am doing it for him."

Mercedes looked over at Lauren and Puck. "Lauren, do you want him?" Lauren looked off and nodded. "Yeah, I guess I still do," Lauren mumbled out loud. "Then you two need to talk." Mercedes stated before glanced over at the next couple. "Santana, you fought so hard to win Brittany. Make her see she's the only one." She then turned to smile at Rachel. "And Rachel, you are your own star. As am I. We are on two different, but equally high levels. You have your life and I have mine. And that's good. Now, everyone, you have less than 30 minutes before I leave." Mercedes stood up and announced before she heard the doorbell. "Do what you need to before we go." She told them before she hurried to the door.

 She recognized two familiar voices from outside before she opened the door. "Mercy!" The two familiar faces stood there with their hands full. "Stevie! Stacy!" She screamed with joy as she pulled them inside and hugged them both. "Welcome home!" She said before letting them go and watching Stevie set down his stuff before Stacy sat down hers. "Where's our big bro?" Stevie asked. "He should be at the stadium," Mercedes told them. "He doesn't know I'm here. It's a surprise."  She smiled. "I guess we're a surprise also," Stacy said as Mercedes nodded. "We need to talk to you both later."  

"Okay, for now, go to your rooms and get ready to leave. And say hi to the gang from glee club!" She said as she went to her bedroom, to freshen up herself. A stretched Hummer was waiting outside Sam's and Mercedes' home to drive them to the Stadium. Once there, Mercedes handed out the passes to everyone. Half of them went to the skybox while Burt, Carol, Kurt, Belle, Blaine, Melody, Stevie, and Stacy saved Mercedes a seat while she needed to take care of something. The announcer started to call out the players for the San Diego Chargers. Just when the announcer began to name the players for the Miami Dolphins, Sam heads out of the locker room running into Quinn's lips.

Wanting to surprise Sam early, Mercedes headed to the locker room only to see Quinn ambush her husband by kissing him on the lips. "What in the fuck, Quinn?" Sam yelled in disgust and pushed her away.  "Okay, that's it! Since I can't hit a woman I will give you this ultimatum. Stay the hell away from me! Or I will call the police and make sure it's everywhere about what a home-wrecking, ego-maniacal, two-faced- ooh!" He growled, getting angry. "Leave me alone! I don't want you. I love my wife. "He admitted in the tunnel, his words bouncing off the walls. "I am in love with my wife. But most importantly, I like my wife. And I respect her enough not to screw our lives up."

Before any more could be said, the announcer called Sam's name. And now, the Dolphins' newest rookie and star- Sam Evans!

Sam, cut her a look and started to run off towards the entrance to the field. "Goodbye forever, Quinn Fabray." Quinn stood there dumbfounded, while Mercedes smiled some. Proud of her husband, Mercedes quietly walked back to where she came from. He sat on the bench as he listened to the announcer speak. "Please stand for our surprise guest singer singing the National Anthem." 

He stood up and put his hand over his heart, but kept his head down and closed his eyes. The singer began to beautifully belt out the first line. Sam opened his eyes as he knew he would recognize that beautiful voice anywhere. He looked up as he locked eyes with Mercedes singing not twenty feet away from him. He was smiling so goofy, he didn't notice the jumbotron catching his expression. His thoughts were how beautiful she looked and that she was actually here with him.

He wanted to run up to her and spin her in his embrace but he didn't. Instead, he was ready to play this game and win. When she finished everyone clapped, including Sam. Mercedes gave him a wink then pointed behind him. He looked to see his sister and brother along with Burt, Carol, Blaine, Kurt, Belle, and baby Melody. Sam felt tears blur his vision as his throat burned. His family and friends were all here, especially his light. His beautiful wife and he knew how to repay them for being here. By winning the game.

"Let's play some footballlll!" The announcer yelled as the teams got into position and the coin toss began. The Dolphins won and the game began.

Stevie Evans, age 14

Stacy Evans, age 14

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