chapter 5 danger!!!!!

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Like  said people this is my 1st attempt writing full story novel so give me some slack.  We have long way road ahead us..  100++ chapter on the way..  Enjoy folk's!!!

Here goes nothing!!!

We continue march into deepest dungeon, at last we reach to this massive door and here we are the boss room..

Until the excavation team finished finding and digging all the crystals and carcasses.  we will not attack the dungeon master.  because if it dies the dungeon will collapse within an hour after it's death.

And its not a very much time to us to relocate all the loot we've got and it will be massive lost for us since all the Cristal and monster carcasses were valuable and can be sold. Some monster skin can nulifed magic atack so its really good material to make into clothe.

Some bone can amplified magic and user mana so it can be moled into magic wand or stick something like that well you know the drill..

We sat in circle and talk about previous Fight mostly they the one asking me and me answering their questions.

"so long story short are you gonna stick with us Kai? " mika ask me out the blue..

"i dont know yet we will see"

"you know we can always use some extra life well you know since you are the most strongest supporter i ever be in party with."

"awwww thanks Mika its mean alot thanks"

"and you are cute with that earing of yours of course" Ari add suddenly

Laugh and i just brush it with some idiotic laugh..

Milo keep looking at me steal glance maybe thinking someting in his head

Well. He has a pretty big head if you as me.

Ari keep us warm with his fire magic. Mika and Adam was on the watch duty.

We take turn to keep watch as excavation team doing their job. Nice and silk im watching em load the monster carcasses and cristal into some truck and keep it load until its full..

No long after they done.. They sure did a good job i tell you..  Nice and silk.

After Milo ensure all excavation personal was clear the area he dismiss them to outside gate and tell us its time to close the gate and get home.. Literally home!...  Its been almost 12 hours since we step in in nto this dungeon.

Milo and Adam leading the pack near the door. And push it hard... The sound of rusty angsel wake me up.

After we stepped into the room I was nauseous and wanted to vomit. The smells like the dead bodies all of  us cover our nose with our palm.

What in the world is this fucking smell..

"smell like big money" said Ari smirk at me and wink.

I roll my eyes and he chuckled looking at me.

I wondering what this dungeon master look like.

After we reach the room center we hear some sob crying. Its makes my hair stand... We walk in circle and i was in the middle well blame me i dont have any attack skill.. Wait ...wait i do have one... Well I'll  try to use it later then.

In the end of the room we saw a throne made of bone and on the throne sit a Android type monster looking at us smiling earey its lower body look like goat and its upper body full with snake print and scale it has hand full with fur monkey like and its got two horn on its head pointing down. 

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