chapter 12 let it boom!

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Spreading the love bitchesss

Here goes nothing...


The mutated termites discovered the helicopter's presence in the air and began flying up one by one.



Maybe the number of specimens that could fly was low, because the titan could only see seven flying up to meet them.

"Let me take care of them."

The sole Mage-type Titan among the team, Charlie, stepped forward. His skill, ' lighting spark', was called into action.

As soon as he was done casting his magic, seven bodies of floating flames drew long lines in the air to resemble electric spears and slammed accurately into the airborne termites .


It was difficult to kill a single termites monster with scattered firepower, but it was more than enough to burn away their wings.

With their wings burnt off, the termites fell freely back to the ground . Charlie tightly clenched his fist while witnessing the result of his hard work. However, now wasn't the time to bask in the glow of his victory.

The termites had noticed our approach and began moving now. Meaning, there was no more time for them to take it easy.


Milo paid attention to the radio receiver stuck in his ear. As a Tanker, he was named as the leader of the raid team.

"They saw us now as we landed on the island...."


Just as he was done speaking up, there was a loud explosion from afar.



As if that was the signal, several more explosion began ringing up from all parts of the island as thick, choking smoke plumes rose up. The second subjugation operation was now officially underway

The Mars, looked out of the helicopter's window, and at the ground far below, a deep frown forming on her forehead.

Thousands of termites were pouring out of the tunnel, before splitting up into four smaller swarms to rush towards the four cardinal directions.

"That's some creepy and disgusting thing to look at. Seriously, man."

"Doesn't it look like most of them have left the tunnel now?"

"....It does, doesn't it?"

The once-lengthy lines of termites soon came to an end, leaving behind a massive gaping hole in the ground. That was the entrance to the tunnel.

The scale of the tunnel must've been rather massive , because the entrance itself was as big of a tunnel one would see commonly on the national highway.

And in the deepest past of the ant tunnel, the termites queen was waiting for our arrival.

This raid team only had one goal - to eliminate the queen.


Before we set off to invade the tunnel, Milo gestured and gathered the raid team members around him. He even gestured towards the hesitant cameraman, too.

Everyone include me participating in this operation pressed their heads together.

"During hundreds of simulation runs, we were only have one hour, tops. Which means, we need to kill the queen within that hour, no matter what."

He didn't bother to speak about the possibility of 'if we fail'. Unlike the first subjugation raids, there was no escape path this time around for them. They would be utterly cut off inside the tunnel.

I studied the faces of each raid members, and they returned a nod, a look of grim determination clearly etched on each one.

'These are the best individual team members imaginable.' i said in my head.

Unless there was another situation similar to Long Island happening in the future, one would never come across an opportunity to hunt together with members this capable ever again.

i know Milo was deeply honoured to be the leader of this team.

We soon finished reconfirming ourresolve, and then...

"Let's go."

From the helicopter, seven people, the six members of the raid team and the lone cameraman, jumped out.


"How long has it been since the city guardian went inside?"

Allison threw out a question.

"Hold on."

Now originally, it was Allison job to communicate with the mission control centre. But, as she didn't enjoy carrying around bothersome things, Alex was tasked with doing so. It was precisely this person that provided the answer.

"They say it has been less than 10 minutes."

"Ten minutes, is it....get ready for the worst! "

After we march and fight our way.we had entered the boss room, also known as 'the queen's castle '. It took them 15 minutes to get here.

'If we consider the fact that we'll need roughly the same amount of time to get out of here....'

They still had around 30 minutes of wiggle room. Assuming that they should be able to shorten our trip because we were already familiar with the path now, the remaining time was on the 'more than enough' side.

'Very good.'

Having confirmed the time with his wristwatch, Milo raised his head. Everything was going according to plan. What remained now was how should they go about bookending this operation.

Mars used her 'Eye of truth' to see through the darkness and accurately assessed the number of enemies present. Then skill it self is prone to knight only.

"The queen is at the rearmost location. There are eight guards in front of the target."

The queen's guards were incomparably stronger than the regular termites . It'd be too tough for one Tanker to take on the attacks of the queen and its guard monsters. From here onwards, Milo needed another person to act as a secondary Tanker. He looked to his side.

"Titan Sito."


"Can you take on duty while I have fun with the queen?"

------------------to be continue------------------

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