chapter 18 surprise?

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Here goes nothing!!


Now,  Luna easily overwhelmed the surviving Termites monsters.
She is strong afterall huh?

‘With things like this, looks like I won’t have to personally step out now.’

I stored the Demon King’s Shortswords to my waist. And then, issued the very first order to my first ever guardian.

‘Go. Don’t leave any one of them alive.’

-yes master-!!

With the same intensity as back when the termites monsters flooded into the queen’s chamber, Luna crashed into her enemies like a tsunami wave.

The once seemingly-endless swarm of termites monsters was now being swept away by Luna alone



A huge cheering roar broke out inside the TV station’s situation room.

The director shot up from his seat and clapped his hands in happiness.

“Yesss!! He’s doing it!!”

Seeing those disgusting termite monsters being swept away like that, it felt like his tight chest was being pried open again. It was as if the ten-year-old indigestion plaguing him had finally been flushed away.

If only there were no other eyes watching here, he’d have asked the producer to screen capture that moment and have it sent over to him later – so he could relieve his accumulated stress even if it was several months later. Nay, several years later!

When the director saw the scene of the team’s Healer fight with his guardian with that d*mn monster, he thought that the heavens were crashing down on him.

Even then, if the City Guardian get out of the termite tunnel safely with the help from that healer..

‘That’s all I ask for!’

The City Guardian team had already achieved its goal by killing the queen. With their only method of propagation gone, there was no need to even repeat the simple fact that the termites would eventually die out in the Long Island.

And then, what about the Backup team?

Indeed, what would happen to the Backup team?

Since they abandoned the important mission right in the middle of it all and escaped with their tail between their legs, there was obviously no need to hand over the promised share of the loot. And not only that, the City Guardian could even demand reparation from them, instead.

And of course, the footage of the raid selling like hot cakes would be the tasty icing on the cake, too.

The complexion of the director brightened like a midday sun.

‘Just where did this massive ball of fortune fall out from?!’

The director’s expression, as he continued to stare at the face of Kai del'a Saint in the monitor’s screen, remained somewhat confused. It was then.

Another employee hurriedly ran towards him.


The director shot up from his seat, nearly freaking out of his skull.

“What is it this time?!”

The director’s expression hardened in an instant.

His heart began quivering, thinking that maybe another mishap occurred somewhere just as he was beginning to soak himself in the sea of happiness.

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