Chapter 4: Awkward Encounter

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Later that day

"Isn't he married?" Rose asks me.

We were in my car. She was in the passengers seat while I was driving, as we were on our way home from the mall.

"Are we seriously still talking about this?" I ask her.

"Uh yeah!" Rose says "it's the only interesting thing that has happened all day."

"Well if you must know." I say "they are separated right now, my dad thinks they are going to get a divorce."

"Damn!" She says "how long have they been married?"

I shrug "like 9 years."

"Imagine being with someone that long." She says to me.

"Yeah I know it's weird." I say.

"So why is it not working out?" She asks.

"Well I don't know that much." I say "my dad complains about it, but doesn't really go into much detail."

"Oh" is all she says "are they like friends or do they just tolerate each other?"

"Well Nikki is definitely my dads favorite and they talk from time to time but I definitely wouldn't call them best friends." I say "I think this tour is gonna make them closer again  though."

"Yeah probably." Rose says "until Nikki starts hiding on his daughter."

I roll my eyes "I doubt that thought would even cross his mind."

"Why not?" Rose asks "you heard the interview, Nikki called you a 'cute girl'" she mocks his voice.

"Cause it's weird!" I laugh uncomfortably.

"Chill dude I'm just messing with you." She says.

"Uh huh" I say "sure you are."

She changes the subject "thanks for helping me find some stuff, I feel a little better about my wardrobe now."

"Your welcome!" I sing to her.

"You wanna get takeout or something?" She asks "I'm hungry again."

"Yeah wanna pick up some sushi or something?" I ask.

"That's what I was thinking!" She says "I'll call the place close to your house!"

"Perfect!" I say as she begins dialing the number.


We picked up our sushi, then tried our best to keep it safe as we rode back to my house.

"Dude stop hitting so many bumps! The food is gonna spill." Rose says to me.

"Well I'm sorry!" I say "I can't control where the bumps are at!"

When we finally did reach my house, I saw an unrecognizable car in the driveway as I pulled up.

"I swear to god, if my dad has some women over I'm gonna lose my shit!" I say.

"No offense but isn't he always with a women?" She uses air quotes on "women."

"Yeah, but he usually gives me warnings so I don't walk in on them or anything." I say.

"Ew." She says.

"Exactly." I say.

"Well we can just sneak up to your room." She says.

"Yeah." I say turning off the car and unbuckling my seat belt "I guess."

We both hop out of the car and I make sure to lock it before we open the front door quietly and tip toe inside.

We were about to reach the stairs when I heard my dad yell "Kaia!"

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