Chapter 25: Speak for Yourself

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"Just now actually." I say wrapping my hands around the popcorn bowl.

"How was your friends house?" He asks walking closer to me and Storm.

"It was good." I nod awkwardly.

"She said she missed us!" Storm blurts out.

"Oh really?" Nikki looks at her, then to me "you did?"

"I did." I nod.

"Dad did you pause the movie?" Storm asks taking the popcorn bowl from me and shoving her hand into it.

"No." He says, his eyes not leaving mine.

"Why not?" She asks with a mouth full  of popcorn "I'm missing it!" She yells running out of the kitchen.

I watch her leave before my eyes land back on Nikki "I got your text."

"So why didn't you respond to it?" He asks stepping closer towards me.

"I just wanted to talk to you in person." I shrug while blinking.

"It didn't seem that way the last time I talked to you." He says.

"Well I've had sometime to think..." I pause.

"And?" He asks.

"Look" I whisper "there's some things we need to talk about... in private."

He looks at me for a second before nodding "that's fair." He says turning around to walk away.

"Where are you going?" I ask confused.

"My office." He says "it's more private in there."

"Oh." I stutter "cool."

I follow him out of the kitchen and down the long hallway, all the way down to his office.

He opens the door letting me in first, before closing it behind him.

"Alright." Nikki says going to sit down in his chair "talk."

I suddenly felt like I had just been sent to the principals office. He's mad because I was gone for so long, I didn't think that through very well.

"It wasn't just my fault." I blurt out, then cover my mouth. I had meant to apologize, but my pride had me doing otherwise.

He raises his eyebrow at me before putting one of his legs on the desk, not saying a word.

I stand there awkwardly for a little bit before saying "okay some of it was my fault, but not all of it."

Nikki gives me a hint of a smirk, but it quickly falters before he says "you really needed to leave for three days? I leave in a week for this tour, and you just waisted three days that we could of spent together?"

"I thought it was necessary." I defend.

"We could have worked it out!" He stammers "I had already apologized to you!"

"I know." I sigh "I just wasn't ready to forgive you."

"This is bullshit!" Nikki states "I say one wrong thing and you punish me for three days?"

"It wasn't just one wrong thing." I say "it was a plethora of wrong things."

"Enlighten me then." He says setting a hand on his extended knee, before leaning back in his chair.

"Look I know I'm young, a lot younger than you. I know that. And yeah I guess it's fair to say I overreacted. You know about tour life way more than I do, that's fair to say." I begin to ramble.

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