Chapter 20: You Need to Know

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About an hour had passed and I was starting to get worried, really worried. What was this mysterious phone call about? And why was it taking so long?

The tv was no longer keeping me occupied, so I decided to go search for something else to do.

I decided to go into his office and see if the pictures we took were still in there, since it had been a while since I had seen them anyway.

I closed the door behind me and went and sat down at his desk. I checked the drawer which I remembered them being in when he first showed me, but they weren't there.

I kept checking different drawers around the desk, but still couldn't find them.

I got up and looked around seeing if maybe he set them somewhere else. I guess it was possible he took them to his studio, but he said he wanted to get bigger ones for over there so that seemed doubtful.

The thing about Nikki's office was that it wasn't very organized. There was stuff everywhere. Some stuff was labeled, but for the most part stuff was just scattered.

I looked at Nikki's different photography pieces and admired them a little bit, but there was still no sign of the pictures I was looking for.

I sighed then went over to where his collection of basses and guitars were, and looked at them.

I was careful not to touch them because I'm sure these were priceless to him and just in general.

I got to the end of the row of the stringed instruments when my eyes landed on a filing cabinet.

The first 2 drawers were labeled "Taxes." The 3rd drawer was labeled "Paperwork" and the last drawer was labeled "Important."

Maybe it's in the "Important" file, just to keep them out of sight.

On the off chance I was right I open the cabinet to a bunch of files and pic up the one that says "photos."

Inside was a bunch of pictures of him with his children, on vacations and at concerts. There were also pictures of him and some of his friends that I had recognized.

As I kept searching I saw the photos he took, that were up in his studio. I'm betting these were his favorites cause I know he's taken a lot, but there wasn't that much in here.

I finally got to the back of the folder, and that's when I found what I was looking for.

The pictures Nikki had taken of me. The ones where I'm pissed off, and the ones where I'm crying, and finally the ones where I'm smiling. Smiling because of Nikki and what he did for me that day.


I hear a loud noise from upstairs, no one else was home so it had to be from Nikki's room.

I don't want to invade his privacy, but I decide just to go check up on him to make sure he was okay.

I put the pictures back and shut the drawer to the filling cabinet, before I jog up stairs to Nikki's room.

I didn't wanna just barge in on him, so I just knock on his door.

"Nikki?" I ask knocking "is everything okay? I heard something from downstairs."

He doesn't answer the door, so I put my ear to it in hopes of hearing something.

I hear another bang and with that I open the door not caring about the consequences.

"Nikki!" I say when I see him.

There was a broken lamp in the corner of the room, and Nikki was hunched over his bed with his hands on his face.

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