Chapter 23: Modest Dinner Guest

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"I want pancakes!" Storm screams way too loud for the morning time.

I woke up early this morning and came down for some coffee. I was not expecting the Sixx family to have this much energy.

Especially after yesterday. The kids got here after Nikki and my dad's rehearsal, and Nikki took them to some fancy arcade that left them gone most of the evening.

Not really being able to spend time with Nikki yesterday sucked, but I didn't wanna intrude like I did last week despite Nikki's reassurance that I wasn't.

Nikki was leaving soon and needed to spend some one on one time with them. Lord knows I would have given anything to spend more time with my dad at their age.

Besides I told Rose and Ben earlier in the day that I would hang out with them so I could meet Johnny. Who is Ben's new boyfriend, and is supposed to be coming on the trip with us.

He seemed cool, but I didn't really get to know him well enough to form a full opinion. That will come later I'm sure.

"Coming right up!" Nikki says rubbing his eyes "what kind you want?"

"Blueberry!" She squeals.

"No way chocolate chip!" Decker says sitting next to Storm at the kitchen counter both of them enjoying a glass of orange juice.

The oldest one Gunnar was still asleep, and was probably getting woken up by all this yelling. I know I would be if were still asleep.

"Both it is then!" Nikki says going into the pantry to grab the ingredients.

"I'll take blueberry." I tell Nikki grinning.

"Boys against girls." Storm says mischievously "I see."

"Wait a minute." I say to Storm "we still don't know which one your dad wants."

"Oh definitely chocolate chip." Nikki says closing the fridge "it's not even a competition."

"I beg to differ." I say "we still don't know which side Gunnar is on."

"He'll side with us for sure." Nikki says confidently.

"Don't be so sure." I say to Nikki suddenly fighting the urge to go rip his shirt off "I think I could convince him otherwise."

"Oh yeah you wanna bet?" Nikki smirks beginning to mix the batter.

I had to restrain myself even more. I loved the way Nikki looked in a white t-shirt, and how his arm flexed when he stirred the batter. He was mesmerizing.

"Ouuu this is getting interesting." Storm says bouncing on the barstools.

"Actually I do." I say.

"Great." Nikki says "Decker what are we betting?"

"Hmmm" Decker says stroking his chin "how about one hundred thousand dollars!"

"Okay no." Nikki chuckles changing arms "something else."

Decker starts thinking again, looking between the two of us "how about whoever wins decides what we get to do today."

"That sounds fair." Nikki shrugs.

"Sounds good to me." I say.

"Lame!" Storm says crossing her arms.

Nikki laughed but ignored Storms comment, and instead started separating out another bowl of batter for the different pancakes.

By the time we were all talking about who won what last night at the arcade, Nikki had two skillets out in front of him and Gunner was emerging sluggishly into the kitchen.

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