Chapter 24: Don't Go Away Mad

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I try running inside but Nikki grabs my arm before I can "don't fucking say shit like that, then just run away!" He says in a whispered yell.

I try pulling my arm away "stop." I sniffle "just let me go."

"I'm not trying to be the bad guy here, that just got way out of hand." Nikki reasons.

"I meant what I said." I say, my voice ice cold.

"Okay now your just being a brat." He says.

"I'm not just some dumb kid that's here for you to fuck Nikki." I say trying to keep my voice down "and the stuff you said about my dad hurt."

"Because it's the truth!" Nikki stops himself "not the part about you being dumb."

"Gee thanks." I wipe my eye with my free hand.

"But your young Kai, and I'm not saying that's a bad thing." He says.

"When you say stuff like that, it makes me feel like you are using me." I say with a coarse voice.

He loosens his grip on my arm "that's not what I'm doing." He says "not at all."

"Then what is this?" I ask desperate for an answer.

"I told you I loved you." He says "and I meant that. Don't question everything just because of one fight."

I sniffle and pause for a second before saying "I just need some time Nikki."

"What's that gonna solve?" He asks preposterously.

"Some time away from you." I whine "please?"

He sighs letting go of my arm and taking a step back "Okay fine, if that's what you need. Let's just take a time out."

"I think I'm gonna stay at Rose's house tonight." I say suddenly feeling my voice shake.

Nikki begins rubbing his temples in frustration before repeating "if that's what you want."



"It's been two days!" Rose says pulling the covers from over my head "you can't keep avoiding him."

"Yes I can." I mutter pulling the covers back over my head.

After my fight with Nikki I had raced up the stairs and packed a bag.

I wasn't gonna stay at his house after the things he had said to me. So I left as fast as a I could.

I called Rose sobbing, and unable to explain fully what happened. Regardless she humbly agreed to let me stay with her, and I texted my dad shortly after to say I was staying at Rose's. Not surprisingly he didn't ask any questions.

"Your parents have been calling you all morning." She throws the phone on the pillow next to me "you need to at least act normal."

"Rose I'm just so angry." I throw the phone to the end of the bed "I don't wanna be anything other than mad."

She sits on the bed and sighs "okay what the fuck did he say to you?"

In the two days that I've been here I've told Rose very little. All she knows is that we had a fight, and that it didn't end well.

I sit up "he just-" I stutter "he just doesn't get that shit with my dad is sensitive."

"Then tell him that" Rose says like it's obvious "communicate."

"He said other stuff too." I say.

"Like what?" She asks leaning back.

"Like how I'm a kid, and I don't know what I'm talking about, and that I was acting like a brat." I use air quotes.

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