Chapter 8: I'd Rather Die

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When I woke up I felt fresh as a daisy, I danced around while I washed my face and brushed my teeth trying to convince myself it was because of a good nights sleep rather than from Nikki's lips.

But I knew I was just kidding myself and that I had been in an unusually good mood ever since he had kissed me in that parking lot, which had just been the night before.

I skipped down stairs in sweats deciding to go workout to burn off some of this giddy energy, which was something I usually dreaded doing.

"Good morning!" I sing to my dad before going over to open the fridge.

"Wow your in a good mood." He says taking a sip of coffee.

He was sitting at one of the barstools with some work laid out in front of him, and a freshly brewed pot of coffee at his side.

I shrug "I slept well" knowing that was code for Nikki's lips.

"Clearly." My dad laughs.

"So do you have the day off finally?" I ask taking his pot and pouring my own coffee then using the creamer I got from the fridge.

He nods "I do, and I plan on making the most of it."

"By doing what?" I ask.

"Well for starters there's some changes to the house I wanna get situated." He says.

"Like what?" I ask going to put some bread in the toaster.

He swallows his coffee "I'm not completely sure yet. Definitely some updating that needs done, but Naomi is on her way over to talk about it."

I roll my eyes "oh great the decorator."

I called her the decorator even though her real name was Naomi. She was one of the fakest and most annoying people I've ever met.

When I first moved in she helped my dad put my room together (even though I ended up changing half of it.) Then after that she just showed up all the time to do little things like rehang his records or put new shelves in his closet.

It was almost ridiculous how much she would be over, and now she's convinced him to do more stuff? I wonder what she's gonna try to get him to do now.

"Naomi is bringing some plans with her." He says.

"Awesome." I say sarcastically bitting into some toast "anything else planned for the day?"

"Then I'm taking Julia out tonight." He says nonchalantly.

I roll my eyes and try not to dwell on the subject, not even that fake blonde bitch is gonna effect my good mood.

Also I'm pretty sure my dad is cheating on Julia with the decorator, but what else is new. I really just need to figure out which one I hate more.

"Good for you." I reply to my dad setting the rest of my toast down and grabbing my I pod from the counter beside me "Well I'm off to the gym, then I have plans with Rose and Ben tonight."

"Are they gonna spend the night?" He asks looking up a me.

I shrug "maybe."

"Well tell them to feel free to, I think I'm gonna stay at Julia's again tonight." He says.

"Of course you are." I say.


When I got back from the gym the first thing I see is my dad and Naomi sitting at the kitchen counter.

Naomi has every aspect of a women that my dad usually likes blonde hair, fake boobs, Botox, etc. However she was a bit older than what my dad usually went for.

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