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Once again, I am woken up by the annoying sound of my clock. Maybe one day I could sleep in, that would be nice. Sadly, today is not that day. Today I bake for the church's monthly bake sale. Got to look at the list on the paper that the preacher gave my last week, it has all that I have to bake on it. with one load groan I rolled out of bed and headed for the bathroom for my morning routing.

As I sit with my morning toast, I look over the list from the preacher. Looks like he wants the normal cookies and muffins, with a few coffee cakes thrown in. With my breakfast finished I get up and start with the cakes.

I pulled the last coffee cake out of the oven, Placing it on the table to cool. That makes fifteen cakes and the end of that round. Up nest is cookies, I  thought to myself as I reread the list over again. As I walk to the refrigerator to start gathering eggs, milk and other things to make peanut butter cookies, the first flavor I plan to make. I take a quick glance at the clock to see it to be only ten in the morning. Made those cakes faster than I thought I did, I thought to myself. With keeping my quick pace, I sought out to make these cookies quick. At this rate I'll be done early, and maybe I could have sometime to go to the local library and check out a new cook book. That would be lovely.

I stand at my counter string the third cookie dough of the day in my 12-inch larger mixing bowl, when a loud growl came from my tummy. I silently pleased with my stomach to hold on till I got the cookies in the oven, and with a loader growl in return I assumed that it does not approve of said plan, but I did my best to ignore it anyways. As I poor the last of the flour into the mixture, there was a knock at the front door. I was not expecting anyone for anything, so I slowly walked to the door with my mixing bowl still in hand and nerves on high alert. slowly opening the door with my free hand, I come face with a beast of a mon.

I slowly ran my eyes from his feet that were in a pair of thick, black, heavy big biker boots. My eyes moved to a faded pair of blue jeans that fit nicely around his think manly legs. From there up to a black cotton T-shirt that was snug over a lard chest with a leather vest over it. I finally landed on a face that matched the body perfectly. His hair was cut short but a few inches longer on the top so it flopped down on his forehead, there were two full think brown eyebrows over looking two sky blue eyes. He had a long bulk nose that had a large nostrils. With a square steel like jaw and high cheek bones that leas to a pair of full slightly pink lips, he had to have stood well over six feet. With that and the scowl on his face, I started shaking from fear. When her finally looked down to me, I could not stop the short small scream that rushed pasted my lips.

Out of no where he ducks down holding the back of his head like someone had hit him up side the head. With a small shove from his right side, two small but still taller than me, woman popped up in front of me. Relief flooded me as I recognize Candy as one of the women standing before my. "Hello! It's me again!" she said and came up to me and hugged me, and I awkwardly hug back. I can hear the other woman yelling at the big guy about scarring me, and I fear that she will make him angry. When Candy pulls awake, I see that the man only looks away mumbling about annoying pregnant woman.

Turning to Candy I plan to ask what is going on, but she beats me to it. "Your cakes were a big hit at the pot luck. everyone had some, but your biggest fan is my friend here, Ms. Cece herself." She said pointing to the woman nest to her. But what caught my eye was her baby bump sitting in her middle and I felt the sweetest smile go across my face. "Well ladies, I am right in the middle of cookies dough. So, if you don't mind coming in and sitting for a bit, I just have to throw thses in the oven and then I'm all yours." I said stepping back with the door and letting them past by inside. As the beast man, Name I have yet to learn, walked by I could not muffled the giggles that came as I watch him duck down in order to pass through the door way.

After leading them to the living room, I went straight to the kitchen that is just across the way. I could feel them watching me, but I could feel more. Someone was standing right behind me. With the dough done, I set the bowl nest to the empty cookie sheets on the counter next to the oven. Feeling someone's body's heat on my shoulder, I glance back over said shoulder and see the big guy standing behind me. He stands with his arms cross, body straight, and eyes glued to me. When our eyes meet, I quickly look away and hurry to get the cookies down. He sets me on edge in many different ways, not all of them bad.

When I get all three sheets of cookies in the oven, I whip my hands on a and towel and head in to the living room all with the big guy fallowing me closely. I sit in the arm chair across the couch ready to find out what these ladies need, when I see him stand just off to the side of me to be able watch all of us girls. "Hello, my name is Katie. What can I do for you lovely ladies today?" I asked. The soon to be mother sits forward with a big beautiful smile and says, "I would like to talk about the possibility of hiring you to make a cake for my gender reveal party. Price is no question, and I'm not even worried about decoration, but I would vary much like it to be red velvet. Your cupcake that were at the party were just wonderful. So, what do you say?" All I could do was sit there shocked, and try to keep from crying. With a small inner pep talk, I took a deep breath and got into business mode.

We had just got done talking about Icing compared to fondant when my cookie timer went off, and sadly right after my tummy wanted everyone to know that I have yet to eaten lunch. I quickly dropped my face to the floor as the redness of embarrassment flooded my face. I can hear Candy giggling, and what I can only guess is a growl from the big guy, and ended with a gasp from Cece. "How rude of use. Of course your hungry. We just showed up in the middle of the day, and you haven't had a chance to eat. I have a great idea!" Cece says as she jumps from the couch full of excitement. I looked at her waiting for her to speak as she continues to jump, when Candy sets a hand on Cece's shoulder, Most likely to keep were from jumping any more. "Let the girl get the cookies before they burn, then tell her your idea." Candy said, With that said I run to the kitchen to get the cookies from the oven, but it did not go unnoticed by me that the big guy had once again fallowed me into the kitchen.

When I returned to the living room both girls were standing looking at me with big smiles on their faces, and a little voice in my head was telling me to run.

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