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It has been three days sense I have been kidnapped and it has been hell. I am locked in some sort of basement of a house in the middle of nowhere, at less that is what I can see out the small square window at the far window. My left ankle is tied to a chain that is locked to a poll in the middle of the room. The chain is long enough to reach the sink under the window but not long enough to reach the stairs that goes up to the first floor. My kidnappers have not given me any kind of food which leaves me hungry and weak. I am lucky I have water in reach otherwise I would have not survived this long.

The man that kidnapped me has come down twice a day, with one thing in mind. He wants me to be his old lade and asks be to be so every time he came down. Every time I answer with the same thing Cece say to some chick that she caught hitting on Knuckles. "Go to hell and fuck the devil because you won't get any from here." Just like all the other times I say it to him, he gets made and beats me till I pass out. I wake up a little while later, in a lot of pain and new buries, just for him to come back down and history repeat itself.

I wake up to the sun rising on the fourth day I have been here. my back hurts from sleeping on the cold concert ground, and the whip lashes on it doesn't help either. Along with those I know I have some broken bones but I can't tell which ones. I can't stand on my right leg and I can only use one are to drag myself to the sink for some water.

It is still early so I know the man is not awake and won't be for a while so I can clean some of my wounds before he shows his face again. I go to move to the sink but I find myself too weak to pull my weight. I try many times but only able to achieve a few inches. I am so hungry I feel sick to my stomach. I try to move a few more time, getting a little closer, when I decided to rest. I lay down on my side and try to breath.

I must have fallen asleep because some time latter I am woken up by the door at the top of the stairs slamming open. I look up and it's the man again. The stairs creak and sway as he lumbers down them from the top. "Good morning beautiful!" He called out. "Did you sleep well? I had wonderful dreams of you." If I had something in my stomach, I have no doubt I would had vomited it all over the floor at that statement. I crawl over to the wall, trying to get as far away from him as I could, and struggle to sit up against the wall. He squats next to me and runs the back of his hand down my bruised cheek. "Why won't you agree to be my old lady? I will get you anything you want; all you have to do is cook for me and my men and let us have some fun when we want. I know you will like it when I have some fun with you. So, what do you say?" he said. I looked up and him and smiled the best I could with the busted lip, burse jaw and swollen cheek. "My answer is the same it was yesterday. Got to help and get your fun time from the devil himself."

He growled out a scream and slapped me across the face. The blow was hard enough to knock me over, that's when he stated to kick me repeatedly in the stomach. "All" kick "YOU" KICK "HAVE TO DO" KICK KICK " IS TO BE MINE!" KICK. He yelled out, kicking at the same time. When he was finally done kicking me, I couldn't stomach the coughing fit that started, and with each cough a spit of blood dripped from my lips. He was about to start kicking me all over again but someone called down the stairs to him. "Demon! The crack head is here with news for you." said the man at the top of the stairs. I sighed in relief when He turned and headed up the stairs, grumbling about losing time with his women.

I didn't bother to sit back up again. I knew I didn't have the strength to do it. I just moved into the fettle position. I tried hard to keep from crying but nothing was stopping the tears from dripping from my eyes. with the tears flowing I let my wonder and my thoughts run way from this place. I wondered if Jack was looking for me or if he gave up. I hope he is still looking for me and that I get to see him again. I miss him so much it hurts my heart to think about him. I cried myself to sleep.

I wake later feeling a bit better and able to move better. I shimmy over to the skin to freshen up and to have a much-needed drink of water. I wash out the taste of blood from my mouth before drinking lots of it to wet my dry through. I look out the window and see that it is getting dark so I know demon will be back soon. Luckily, he only comes twice a day. I fear he is waiting for me to be too weak to fight him off and fear even more that time may be coming closer than I would like.

After some time, Demon came back down it a happier mood. "Seams that Reaper didn't like my gift I left him my sweet." "What did you do to Him?" I demanded even though it sounded weak to my own ears. "Nothing really. Just left him a message say that you belong to me." "I belong to Reaper! I love him and he loves me." I screamed out at him. Once again, he did not like what I said and he slapped me hard across the face adding to my already swollen cheek. "You belong to me now!" he yelled out. He pulls out the whip from his back pocket and starts to whip me on the side of my back and my legs. Jacks torn, dirty t-shirt and the jean shorts I have been wearing for the last four days give me no protection against the leather whip.

"Now my sweet little flower. Tell me that you will be my old and then we can live happily ever after." He said as he stood up from whipping me. I was only able to let out a weak and small "Never" before passing out once again.

I wake up with a start at some load noise coming from upstairs. They are having a party of some sort for there is load music blaring and lots of foot movement sounds coming through the flooring. I look out the window to see that the moon is high in the sky telling me that it is late in the night. I can't hear much of what is happening and I am thankful for that, for I do not want to have thoughts on that. I hear the door slam open and I sit up straight not knowing what is to come. Demon never comes more than twice a day. I look up and I find demon standing there with a brown beer bottle in one hand and the whip in the other.

"Hunny! I am Home!" He yells out. It is clear that he is very drunk for he could not even say the small sentence clearly. I watched scared for my life as he wobbles down the stairs and over to me. He doesn't have a shirt on and his pants are unbuttoning, sending warning bells all over. He downs the rest of the bottle and tosses it over to the other wall and it shatters on impact. Scared out of my mind I quickly move to the father's corner of the room. He grabs a hold of the chain and starts to pull me to him. I claw at the ground but it does nothing but rip my nails from my fingers. When he has me Infront of him, setting the whip down, he leans over me and starts to touch me. I slap his hands away from me and that angers him so he slaps me across the face and start touching me all over again. He moves his hands down to my shorts and starts to unbutton them but I quickly knee him in the balls.

When his hands leaven my body to cover his now sore blue balls I quickly crawl away and to the end of the chain. My ankle hurts as I strain against the cuff pulling on my it. "You dirty Bitch!" Demon yells out. The gab to his balls must have sober him up because he no longer slurring his words. He quickly stands up, grabbing the whip and walked over to me. He starts to kick me in the stomach at first and then started to whip me. I must have really made him mad for her is whipping me hard. I cry out with each sting of the whip as it hits my back, my arms, and my legs. I can feel the skin ripping open and the blood seeping down the skin. Then he started to kick me anywhere on my body between each clash of the whip. I had no clue how long it took but it felt like forever till I finally passed out front the pain.

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