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its been three days that I have woken up in the hospital. Everyday I try to get Jack to go home for a bit, even just to get proper sleep, but he says no, that he is going to make sure I am safe. So everyday someone brings him new cloths and he would take a shower in the bathroom and sit with me again. He has to wrap up his leg every time he takes a shower because the doctor told him not to get it wet and it really makes him made. Yesterday I found him trying to take it off himself. I told him that if he does it again, I will tell the doctor on him, and he knew it was an empty threat so he just laughed it off but he did stop trying to take off his cast. I have not taken a shower because of doctor's orders. I do get to have a whip down every day but my hair is inky and I would love a bubble bath. I wonder if Jack would take one with me.

Right now, I am eating the wonderful pancakes that Jack had sneaked into me again.  I can't wait to not have to eat the hospital food any more. Jack is sitting in his chair looking for something to watch on the TV. We are both hopping the doctor will send me home today. Yesterday they ran a CAT scan on me and the doctor said that everything looked very well. So now it is just a waiting game.

Jack had finally pick something to watching when a nurse came in. She looked at my plate of pancakes and shook her head and giggled. I ducked my head down to hide my beat red face, and Jack chuckled at me. I quickly finished my breakfast and made Jack through the trash away. Had to hid the evidence from the doctor. The nurse checked on my machine, before changing my bandages along with checking on my healing. When she was done writing on my chart and right before she left, she told us that the doctor just got in and will be here soon.

Jack told me that the club had been on lock down and that means I will be going to stay with him at the club house for a while, until lock down is over. When I asked him where I will be staying in the club house, he had said that I would be sharing his room and I couldn't be happier. I am looking forward to cooking meals with Cece, and baking a nice dessert for all the boys every night. I hope Jack doesn't mind. Jack says that Knuckles hasn't let Cece and Candy come visit me because he has been busy with the club work and doesn't want her any were without him droning lock down.

As the show was ending the doctor walk in, so Jack shut the TV off and sat up in his chair. He is just as eager as I am to hear that I can go home. "Well, Miss Katie. I have good news for you. I looked over at your CAT scan and it seems that there is no more swelling as well as no sign of any bleeding so all that is clear. Your shoulder is healed up enough to take out the stitches as well as the ones in the back of your head, but your legs is another story. Your stitched can come out but you must stay off the leg for two more weeks before I can release you to physical therapy. I can check you out to go home but as long as you fallow the rules and take it easy. I want to see you again in two weeks to look at your leg. So, so you promise?"

I nodded my head as eagerly as I can but still got a small head ache. The doctor light chuckled but said he will start the paper work and was out the door. Right after he left a nurse came in with a try of instruments, which I assume is to get the stitches out. As the nurse is working on my head I turned to Jack and smile big. "Do you think you could get Knuckles and Cece to come get us so she could bring me some clothing. I really do not want some man picking out some underwear for me to wear and I don't think you would like that as well."  I said and giggled. As he grunts out a yes. I turned the TV back on, as the nurse finished with my head and started on my other stitches, and waited for the doctor as Jack called Knuckles from my phone. We plan on getting him another one on the way home from the hospital, but he said that it depended on how I feeling. He said that he can not do club business on my phone.

A short while later Cece rushed in and wrapped me in a tight hug, as Knuckles walked in with a small bag in his hands, mumbling something about hormones. The boys started talking to each other and by the way they are whispering they had to be talking about club things. "Cece, will you help me get dressed in the bathroom while the boys talk shop?" "I will be happy to help you. Come one I'll help you to the bathroom." That caught Jacks Attention for he stood up quickly and picked me up with one arm under my knees and the other one behind my back. "You heard the doctor. No walking on those legs for two weeks. Now when you are done just have Cece open the door and I will come back in and get you." He said as he walked me into the bathroom and set me down on the closed toilet seat and turned to walk out. Right before he closed the door I whispered out "cave man" once again to him.

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