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Reaper walks into X-rays office once again looking for good news of the traitor. "We have sightings of him hanging around this warehouse for a few days. I am thinking this is where he has been staying." I watched the tapes and told him to play them one more time just to be sure it is him. "It is him I got to go call church." I head out and to the bar space of the club house and holler out "CHURCH!" When I know everyone is heading over to the meeting room I walked over to my very confused little cupcake. "I am calling church. It's a meeting for all the patched in brothers to talk business. It wasn't that long, and Wood is not a patched in member yet so he will still be here with you. I told her and kissed her on the forehead then headed into the meeting room.

I sat at the top of the table and waited for everyone to take a seat at the table as well. Knuckles sat at my right and Ghost to my left. When All was quiet, I said, "X-ray has spotted the baster that has betrayed us and that looks to have interest in my old lady, your queen." I motion for X-ray to show the video. "As you can see here, the traitor has been seen coming and going from this where house. He seems to be staying longer during the night than the day. SO, I am guessing that this is where he has been sleeping. I propose we make a plan to have a visit today."

"I say we just take some K-4's and just shoot up the lace. "Trigger said as he holds up his hand pistol and pretends to fire it at the wall. "NO, you dumb fuck! We want this fucker alive so he can pay for his crimes against us." Shouted Beast. "All right here is the plan. We are all going to ride our bikes down there to about half a mile then walk the rest of the way. We will surround it about thirty meters out and slowly close in. Three of us will take a stroll around it and check the building out. Look for weak spots in the walls, open widows, that kind of shit. Once those three reports back we close in. Me, knuckles, and beast take the front door and Trigger, Ace, torch, and three other men will take the weak spot. the rest of you will take the back door. We all rush in when trigger throughs a smoke bomb in the closest window." I laid out. All the brothers nodded in agreement and I banged the gavel.

"Ghost, I want you to wait a minute, I want to talk to you for a seconded. I want to talk to you about something really quick." I said as I waved over ghost to come sit next to me. "What do you need boss?" He asked. "My girl has to go out to appointment today and I need you to accompany her and Wood to if while I am gone and catching this sun of a bitch. Remember, do not take your eyes off her till I tell you that we have the fucker in our hands. Got it?" "Yes, my brother. Protect the queen with everything." With a nod of my head, we head out for the day.

After seeing off my cupcake, I head back inside and straight to the armory to get ready. I walk down to the basement and find all my brothers in the armory packing clips and stocking knives. I go to my stall and load up two 45 hand guns, along with a revolver in my biker boot and a set of troughing knifes along my belt. I am ready to kick some sick fuckers' ass.

I sighed heavily as I parked my bike in the lot of the club house. They had raided the ware house where X-ray had spotted Demon. They had found lots of that show he had been squatting there for a while but they did not find him. The worst thing was the shrink he had made for his little cupcake. He had a mannequin dressed in her sexy black bra and under matching set with a brown hair wig on it. On the wall behind it was hundreds of photos of her Someone them taken when she was supposed to be alone. Now he is sure of one thing and that is he will destroy Demon for even taking the photos. I need a hard drink and some alone time with my little cupcake, just need to hold her and know she is safe.

I sigh one more time before heading into the bar of the club house. I head straight to the bar and order a shot of whiskey and a beer. After I down the shot I feel a tap on my shoulder. I turn to find a worried looking Cece. "What is the matter?" I asked her and do a quick look around for Knuckles but see him nowhere. "Katie is not back from her physical therapy. She was due back two hours ago to make bread for dinner. I am worried. I keep calling her cell phone but it goes straight to voicemail." "Okay. Let me call Ghost and see what is going on. I am sure it's nothing." I told her as I dug my cell phone out of my pocket and quickly dial Ghost number. After a few rings it went to voice mail. I quickly hang up and call up Wood cell phone.

"Hello?" He answered. "What is going one over there? My girl was supposed to be home hours ago." "I am sorry boss but we can't find Katie anywhere. She went to the bathroom after she was done with the doctor but she never came back. I am looking floor to floor for her and Ghost is talking to security as we speak now." "I will be there in five minutes." I told him and quickly hung up the phone. I called outed for the brothers to mount up as I head out to my bike. After mounting my back and turning it over I shoot out on the road and ride like hell to the center. A few minutes later Knuckles pulls up to my right and Beast pulls up to my left and I can hear the rest of my brothers behind me.

We pull up to the center, and Ghost meets us at the door as we park our bikes right in front of the doors. "Wood is checking the floors one more time and I am about to go to see the security taps." "Knuckles, me and you go with Ghost and the rest of you go search the floors with wood. every corner and ever closet I want you to look in and check." I told the men before following Ghost into the building and over to the security room.

I stand there watching as the son of a bitch talks to my little cupcake and then starts to pull her down the hallway. "Were does he take my girl?" I asked no one in particular. Ghost switches the camera and I watch as she is taken to the back of the building and out the back door. "Luckily there is one camera out there and it points right at that back doors." Ghost said as he switches the camera screen once again. I have to hold my breath as I watch as That baster drugs my girl and pushes her into the back of his van. The baster even turns to the camera and smiles at it.

That is when I lost it. I needed to through something but for the life of me I could not find anything to do so. I pulled out my phone and shot a group text to all the brother that we are going back to the club house and going to have church right away. "Let's go you two. We got church when we hit home grounds." I told Knuckles and Ghost, then I head out to my bike.

I sit down at the head of the table in the meeting room and the rest of the brother pile into the room. "All right quiet down. no time to fuck around. The son of bitch that stole our money has now taken my girl." I shouted out the room. "X-ray, where you about to track the van from the building?" I ask looking over at X-ray sitting slumped over his lab top. Anything at all?" I asked desperately. "I have him for a few miles but then I lost him." he replied. I slammed my hands down on the table and growled out in pain. "I want calls being made to your dealers. I want dogs out smelling. I want brother out searching. Dame it!! Find my woman!!" I yelled out

That is when Knuckles grabbed me by the shoulders and started to shake me. After a few shakes he started to speak to me. "Go out to the bar and get a drink. Have a few shots. Hell! get fall down drunk if you have to. Just get going and let me send the brother on their mission." I took his advice and left the room, heading straight to the bar. I grab a bottle of Jack and started drinking right from the bottle.

After a few hours and two bottle latter Knuckles, along with the other brothers, leave the room, heading off to whatever Knuckles have told them to do. I am at the bar trying to stay up on my bar stood with Cece watching over me and Wood serving me drink when Knuckles came over and cut me off. "Come on big guy let's get you to bed and I will tell you all that when down in church tomorrow morning." He said as he peels me off the bar and helps me up the stairs to my room. The minuet Knuckles opens the bedroom door I am hit in the face with my girl's wonderful smell of cinnamon and vanilla. Once again, I cry out in pain.

Knuckles drops me down on the bed and I rolled over and shove my head into the pillow that belongs to my girl. It is covered in her sent. "You sleep off the booze man and I will come get you in the morning." I hear Knuckles behind me. Then I hear the door shut on his way out and I let the tears fall freely. I feel bad for soaking my girls pillow in my tears and snot, but I in too much pain and too drunk to care, because it still smells like my queen.

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