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I feel numb all over but it is slowly fading. My body aches but it's a dull ache. I try and mover my body, any parts of my body. I try and try but I can't seem to move anything. I start small and try to wiggle my toes. After the fifth try I finally get them to wiggle. Next is to move my fingers. I can do thing I know I can, I thought to myself. My fingers start to twitch and then I feel someone grab a hold of them and I twitch them again. "Come on baby. Wake up for me. Please wake up." I hear someone softly whisper in my ear. I can feel something prickly against my cheek as they do. I know that voice. Please, speak again I try to yell out but my mouth does not move. I try to squeeze my hand around his but all I get is more twitching of my fingers yet again.

Finally Feeling started to come back to me but along with it came some pain as well. I had pain in my head, shoulder and leg. Once again, I attempted to open my eyes and this time I was successful but I instantly regretted it. All I could see is a bright light. It was too bright, and I quickly turn away. My movement caught the attention of whoever was in the room. because I suddenly heard to many people calling my name.

After a few minutes my eyes adjusted to the light and I was able to look around the room. Everything was still a little fuzzy but I could see that there are many people in the room with me. I felt someone holding my left hand and I turn to look just to find Jack. He was sitting in a chair leaning on the bed I was laying on. He held on to my hand like it was his life line. He looks so tired with big dark bags under his eyes and it breaks my heart to see him like this. I tried to speak but the desert in my throat stopped any attempts to make a sound. Jack reached over to the table next to the bed I laid in, to the jug and a cup that sat there. He quickly started to pouring me a glass of water but his hands shook so much that he spills some water all over the small square table.

When the cup was full, I reached over for it but my shoulder gave out on me and my arm dropped like a stone. I grabbed my shoulder with my casted right hand as pain shot through it and I cried out in agony. "Someone get the fucking doctor." Jack hollered out before he turned back to me. "Baby, try not to move to much till the doctor gives you a look over. Here drink the water slowly with a straw." He said as he held the cup of water with a straw in front of me. I slowly leaned forward and slowly took small sips of water. I leaned back when I felt refreshed and could talk again. Jack I whispered.

He turn back to me and smiles at me. "You're ok baby. Stay still and wait for the doctor to look you over. You don't want to hurt yourself or pull a stitch." he said softly. "Where are w Jack. What happened to me? What happened to you?" I said. I am starting to get scared. I don't know where I am and I don't know what happened to me et again. Once again, I try t move so I could get close to Jack but my body screams with protest and I cry out in pain Jack puts his hand on my chest and slowly push me back down. "Baby! Please lay still till the doctor looks you over. As soo as the doctor is done, I will answer all you want to know.

THe next moment Wood walked into the room with a man in a white coat fallowing him. My best guess that is the doctor Jack was speaking about. He look very young and I felt uncomfortable that he was my doctor. I held on tight to Jack's hand as the doctor looked over the back of my head where I believe that is where I hit my head on something leaving a good size gash. I scooted closer to the side of the bed closer to Jack was sitting on when the doctor pulled down the shoulder of my hospital gown to look at the injury that is in my shoulder. This guy really gives me the creeps and I wish he will hurry up, I thought to myself.

When the doctor was done looking at my leg and stood straight up to start writing in my hospital chart. "I can tell you now that your shoulder is healing nicely and you will not have any problems with it later on, only if you do not stress it for the next six to eight weeks. As for you leg, I believe all the pieces are gone but the damage is still somewhat sever and my need surgery on some of the mussels tissue later on. It is best to stay o that leg until you fallow up doctor tells you how the tissue and mussels are healing. You still have swelling near the wound on you head and we are worried about the possibility of still having swelling on the brain so I will have you take a scan latter to look at it. Other than that, I say you are looking really good." He said and winked at me as he said the last sentence. It sends a shiver of disgust down my spin and I can hear a growl from the sode of me letting me know that Jack had seen it as well.

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