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It had been three days sense I have seen let alone heard from Jack. It started to look like he forgot about me. He may have but I could never forget about him. He slips into my dreams and golds me and kisses me with heated passion, I can still hear his laughter now and again. Yesterday I was ready to give up on him when Candy came over with three tall men, not as tall as Jack but taller than me and a white envelope from Cece doctor telling me what gender the baby is for the cake. Candy had told me that Reaper had sent them over to fix up my house. If it wasn't for Candy showing up with them I would most likely call the cops.

Right now, I am sitting at the table in the kitchen drawing out patterns for Cece's cake while two men work out front on my front porch steps and a third working on the window in my bedroom. The party is in three days. I have decided to make a there tire round cake with blue and pink icing and little fondant baby shoes all over and topped off with a pink color white chocolate baby on top. It worries me that there is a strange man in my bedroom that sad to be working on my window. It's a small window that is jammed and he has been working on it for three hours. I had just finished outlining baby booties on the papper when there was a knock on the front door. Quickly I grabbed the paper and slipped it into a draw, just in case it was Cece at the door.

I open my door and find a different man standing there with Cece. "Hello Katie, my name is Knuckles and I am Cece's man as well as a friend of Reapers." The man said and held out his hand out for me to shake. He stood just an inch shorter than Jack and I could not help but to compare him to Jack. Jack had wider shoulders and bigger frame, where as Knuckles was slightly muscle but slimmer in frame. He wore black faded jeans and a black T-shirt and a leather vest that looked kind of like the one Jack wore but with some different patches on it. After shaking his hand Cece runs up to me and hugs me tight. "Reaper sent me here to gift you with a girl's day. He knows that you most likely feeling forgotten from his lack of communication. So, he sent me here to take you out on his dime." Cece said in one breath. I could not help my self from giggling at her excitement.

Before I Could start to protest about going out, Cece rushed me back into the house and into my bedroom to change. I sat on my bed as Cece dug through my dresser drawers for something  "Cutie but comfortable" to wear. Cece pulls out a pair of the loosest, really short shorts with the smallest tank top I have that is still one size to big on me. "Our nail appointment is at nine-thirty. So, with it being only seven - thirty, we have time for breakfast. My baby is starving and is craving banana pan cakes." Cece said then she left the room for me to change. She may be a girl but I don't know her well enough to change in front of her. I am very self-conscious about my body.

After I am finished, I rejoin Cece and Knuckles in the living room ready to take on what every they have plan for me. Once again, I climb into Cece vary big green jeep with a lot of struggling. It really is so much work for me to get in and out of the vehicle. I wish Jack was here. I wonder if he will let me ride on the back of his bike with him one day.

When we arrive at the dinner as I started to get out of the jeep I slip rom the seat and landed hard on my knees. The parking lot was dirt so I can feel little rocks dig into my knees and cut them up. Cece and Knuckles are by myside helping up in seconds, and ass Cece helps brush me off, Knuckles looks at my knees. "Reaper is not going to be happy when he sees that his girl got hurt on my watch." He said. I look down and there are two big scrapes, one on each knee.

As we walked into the diner, , Knuckles asked a waiter for a first aid kit and Cece sat me down at a table with two chairs. "We need one more chair." I said to her. "No, darling. It's a girl's day. So, it is just us. Ack like he is not even here after he cleans up your knees. Its mandatory for an old lady to go out with a brother to guard her. The men of the club are over protective of us girls. You will see when Reaper gets off his ass and claims you." Cece ranted. "What do you mean claim me? I asked as knuckles started t cleaning out the cuts on my knees.

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