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I once again am woken up by the slamming of the door at the top of the stairs. Demon walks down the stair and he look like a man on a mission. "Hello hunny. How are you feeling this morning?" He asked in a sickening sweet voice. I backed up into the wall as he came closer. "I come to the end of my rope and I am tired of you playing hard to get. You have two choice you can willing be my old lady or I will force you to be my old lady. It is your choice." "There is nothing you can do to make me chose you over Reaper." I told him before spitting at him. It earned me a sharp slap to my face. "It is simple." He said then leaned down to my level and whispered in my ear, "I am going to put my kid in you and then you will be mine." I quickly started to crawl way but he just started to laugh at my weak attempt.

I get to the end of the chain before he jerks it and slide me against the ground back to him. I struggle against him as he straddles my body and starts to rip at my shirt. I try my best to hit at him but from day without food and the massive beatings I am too weak to make a dent. when he had managed to finish ripping my shirt off and started to work on getting my pants down, I quickly reached up and scratched him across the face. He cries out and quickly gets off me and kicks me in the side so hard it knocks the wind out of me. He touches his face and sees that I have made him bleed just for him to start kicking me again and again and again. I don't know how long he kick me because I pasted out.

I slowly fade back into unconsciousness. Even though my eyes are closed there is a bright light seaming in and blinking me. I go to move my arm to block the light but my arm does not move and inch. Both my arms are above my head and are unmovable. Something rough and grainy has them tied to what feels like a small copper pull. I slowly open my eyes with rapid blinking to get use to the what looks like sun light coming from the window of the left side of where I lay at. I look up above to my hands just find them tied with rope to a brown copper bed frame. As I try to free myself from my restrains, I notice that my feet are tied as well. looking down I find myself tide to a bed and as naked as the day I was born. My legs are tied apart so my woman hood is open and exposed. I bite my lip to keep from crying out in fear. The mattress is very old and can feel the springs poking out of the fabric and scraping my back. The frame looks old and rusted so I try to break my self free but my body it far too weak.

The fear of what is to come full wake me up and that's when I hear the voices outside the door. It sounds like two males arguing but I can't make out the words through the door. I can tell they are not happy with each other because as the longer biker the louder they get. Within a few minutes they are screaming at each other. Out of nowhere I hear someone knock back into the door of the room I am tied up in. One man must had pushed the other into the door. Their fight must had turned physical for I can hear them rough housing.

After a few more minutes someone must had given up for the sounds all stop and then I hear two steps of footsteps. One was heading away from the door while the other one come towards the door. I held my breath as I waited for whoever to come in to the room. The door opens and in walks a beaten-up Demon. He has a black eye forming and a spilt lip with blood dripping from it. He looks over to me and smiles a bit grin. "Sorry about the Nosie outside baby, but I had to set a brother right. Had to show him that you belong to me and no one is to touch you but me." He said and laugh a sick twisted laugh that sent fear rushing down my spine.

I watch helplessly as he walks over and sits on the edge of the bed. I try to move away as he places a hand onto my right breast. I am filled with disgust as he fondles it. "I have decided that we will make love every day that way we know for a fact that my baby will be planted." He said as he moves his hand down to my stomach and then lower to cup my woman hood. "Oh no! This won't do at all. You are nowhere near wet enough for me, baby." I buck my hips in hope to get his hands off me but he holds me down with his other hand. "Hold still or I will have to hurt you." He said quietly. All I could do is cry as I lay there has, he touched me.

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