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She said yes!!! I couldn't be happier. She said she will be my old lady. I wrapped her in my arms and held her close but made sure not to hurt her. I will have to text Cece so she can start planning the claiming arty,  as well as get the old lady cut for my girl to wear. I also want to look into buildings close to the club for my cupcakes' bakery. Before I can eve think about investing into my little cupcakes' plans, I need to catch the son of a bitch that has been stealing from me.

"Jack what day is it?" she asked me bring me out of my thoughts. I thought for a minute and then said "It is Monday I believe. Why?" Then I watch as tears started to build up in her eyes and slowly spill over. "OH no! I didn't get her cake done in time. I need to call Cece and tell her how sorry I am for not getting it done. Oh, I hope she can forgive me." She cried out and then put her head in her hands and cried harder. I get up and sat behind her on the bed and wrapped my arms around her tight and rock her from side to side and waited for her to finish crying.

When she finished crying and looked up at me, I asked "What are you talking about baby?" "Cece's gender reveal cake. I never got it finished and her party was Friday. I really hope she doesn't hate me." she replied still in tears. "First off I don't think she could ever hate you; your baking is to good. If she is in a bad mood just feed her some of your backed goods. Second, there was no party. Cece demanded that the party be postpone till you were well enough to join. She had said that it was not right that you could not be there to join her in cutting the cake." I replied to her. Slowly the tears started to dry up and light came back to her eyes. "She really said that?" she asked. "Yes, she did. You may not see it but Candy and Cece really think of you as their friends. To the club that means you are family, and with you now being my old lady, you will be queen now."

"What do you mean by I am the queen?" she asked. "Well for starts it is the tittle that shows everyone that you belong to the prez, that includes the nomads and visiting clubs. All the brothers will do anything for you, out of respect and honor like knights. You help keep an eye on the women of the club and that includes the sheep and strippers. They fallow you rule and what you say." I replied "Do you think I could handle that kind of pressure?" "I think you can handle anything you put your mind to baby." "I feel like I could do anything if you are there with me." I couldn't help myself, as I lean down and kissed her hard on the lips.

The kiss quickly became heated into a heavy make out. I held her close as her hands slipped into my hair. I slipped on hand through the back of her gown, around her back and I cupped one of her breast in my hand. He breast fit perfectly in my hand as I slowly massage it, pinching her nipple every now and then.  I could tell that she liked in by the way her breathing pick up each time I pinched it. I can tell she is getting bolder as she bit my lip and slipped her tong into my mouth to start a battle with my own. I am about to lay her down on her back when there was a knock on the door.

Son of a bitch I thought to my self. I quickly removed my hand from her gown and helped her sit proper before sitting back in to the chair. At the moment Knuckles and Cece walks in fallowed by wood. Knuckles gives me the signal that he wants to talk to me outside. I get up and slowly make my way to the door. Before I close the door, I turn to see Wood sitting in the chair I was and Cece sitting on the end of the bed , both talking to my little cupcake. I will have to ask Wood how close he is to my girl.

We stepped out in the hallway; I look around to find the brother that is supposed to be on guard gone. I turn to look at Knuckles and he had an angry look on his face. "We have been crossed by a brother. Brother Demon is missing and that' not even the worst part. I assume that he is the on that trashed your office and took 50K from the safe, but he didn't stop there. We had a prospect sitting on your girl's just in case and the brother stopped there. He ransacked her bedroom and stole a lot of her clothing." He said but I could see that he was holding something back so I stood and waiting for him to come out with it. After rubbing his neck a few times and moving from foot to foot he sighed and said "It looks like he got a thing for your girl because he left his mark all over her bedroom." "What the hell do you mean left his mark all over her bedroom?" I growled out. Knuckles simple made a mothing with his hand and it was clear as to what he left behind.

"Okay! First things first I want you and some of the brothers to go and pack up whatever is left in her house, but don't touch anything that has his shit on it I will just buy her new shit. Take the baked good and store them in the kitchen at the club house and her stuff in the attic. Like hell she is going to be going back to that place. Next, I want you to send 20 brothers and prospects out looking for his ugly ass. I'll send torch a message telling him to shut down the business and to look over the books and see if this shit is going to hurt us. I'm going to have Wood stay here that way there are two eyes watching over my cupcake. No word to my girl about what happened at her house got it?" Knuckles nods and we headed back into the room.

I walk into the room to find everyone laughing and having a good time. They seem to be laughing at Wood and he is red face with small laughs. "What is so funny?" I asked and see Wood quickly jump out of the chair for me to sit in again. At the last minute I see my cupcake move over on the bed and pointed for me to sit behind her. To make my girl happy and me happy, I sat down behind her and wrapped my hands around her. Knuckles moved the chair with Cece in his lap and to Dissatisfaction Wood sat on the end of my girls' bed like he was comfortable. Most definitely going to have a talk to him about their relationship.

After a few hours of everyone hanging out, the doctor comes in, Thankfully it is not the same doctor from yesterday. This guy is much older and looks like he knows what he is doing from years of working as a doctor. At first, he did not say anything as he check her wounds and the machine she is hooked up to. It wasn't till he was writing in her chart that he spoke. "Hello Miss Katie, my name is Doctor Gray and I will be your doctor from now on. You are eagling very well but because you have such a severe head injury, I would like lo keep you here for the next few days, about three will be ok. I'll make sure the nurse orderly brings up some lunch but for the rest of you will have to eat in the café down stairs. That is all for now Miss Katie." Then he left the room and all was quiet.

"He may not have much of a bed side manor but he is better than the guy from last night. He gave me the creeps." My little cupcake says and I laugh in agreement with her. The next moment a nurse brought in a tray with some kind of lid over the food I assume that it is her lunch for the day. I got up from the bed and sat in the chair that Knuckles just vacated. As the nurse is setting up my girls food try on the bed side rolling table I turned to Knuckles and said, "Don't bother going to the café down stairs. There is a good diner down the street and around the corner that has good food. May not look good but the good is great. By the way tell Wood here about the changes in the work schedule." He nodded his head and then him, Cece and Wood headed out the door.

When the nurse was done setting up her food and was out the door, I moved the chair closer to the bed to help feed my little cupcake. On her tray sat what I could only describe as slop with veggies. I look at it and just want to puke. I helped feed my cupcake anyways. As I held out a spoon full of the gray stuff for my little cupcake she looks at it once then closed her eyes before opening her mouth. I laughed light at her disgusted face she made as I fed her. When she gets out of her the first place I am taking her is to the dinner down the street for a good decent meal and not this crap they are giving her in this place. I hate to see what they are going to give her for dinner. I think I will sneak her in some breakfast in the morning again.

After she was done eating, I set the table aside, close to the door for the nurse to pick up and take with her. When I sat back down, Cece and knuckles came walking back into the room. I assumed that Wood staid outside the door like I wanted him to. With cupcake talking with Cece, I quickly shot torch a message telling him about what I want him to do, and then turned to talk to Knuckles.

To keep my cupcake from hearing, I softly whisper to Knuckles and said, "Did you send out the work I told you to?" "I did and I put the women and left-over brother on lock down as well." He replies I nodded my head in a sign of say good work. "What do you think about the relationship between my girl and Wood is developing? Do you think I may have something to care of later?" I asked him. "To tell you the truth, you are asking the wrong guy. There are three people that would know that. Your girl, Wood, and Cece because girls tell each other everything. My best guess is that you would get better answers from Wood. That fucker is scared of you that is for sure." He said. That's what I thought. I am going to have to talk to Wood, maybe be even scare him a little.

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