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It has been a week cense me and jack made love. We have not done it again and that makes me sad. Jac has been too busy with club work. With Jack spending most of his time doing work, I spend my time Hanging out with Wood along with ghost watching over us, we get a lot of baking done. The only time I really have with Jack is when he and Wood take me to my physical therapy. He is up before I am and he comes to bed long after I have fallen asleep. But that changes today. Last night I set a quiet alarm to wake me up when Jack is in the shower.

After turning off the buzzing alarm, I quickly stripped as I make my way to the bathroom. There is still no door because Jack has not had time to order a new one. Finally, I stood in front of the shower completely naked, I take a deep breath as I quietly pull the foggy glass shower door open and step in closing the door behind me before Jack can notice I have joined him. He is currently scrubbing his hair facing the shower head, so I wrap my arms around him and laid my hands flat on his abs. I slowly ran one of my hands down to his shaft and wrapped my hand around it and started to slowly pump it. "What are you doing up this early baby?" Jack asked with a small groan as his dick begins to stiffen quickly. "I miss you Jack. I don't get to see you very much lately. I was also thinking we could make love again." He turns around quickly letting the shower head wash his hair out as he wraps his arms around me and pulls me close. "I am sorry about neglecting you. I am trying to keep you safe. There is a man out there that use to be a brother but he betrayed us and we have to find him. I can tell you that at this moment I am all yours." He said and picks me up and slams me against the wall of the shower. He slowly slides me down, sliding his big think shaft into me, filling me up and sending me to heaven once again.

Jack must be really glad I surprised him in the shower for now he can keep his hands off me. Even not as we sit at the table eating breakfast, he insisted that I sit on his lap. He keeps rubbing my thighs with his hands and I can feel the beginning of a stiffy under my but and it is slowly growing as I squirm in his lap. Jack was right in the middle of feeding me some eggs when X-ray came running into the room yelling out Jacks road names. "god Dame it boy! what did I tell you about laying off those fucking drinks?" Jack growls back at him. "I am sorry man, but I have something to tell you and show you." X-ray said. "Hi X-ray!" I said to him and watch him look down and wave his hand a little. "You know I think when he finds himself a girl, he will come out of his shell with me." I told Jack. He just laughs with me.

After telling X-ray that he will meet him in his office, Jack picks me up off his lap, getting up from the chair then set me down in the chair he was just sitting in. "You stay here and finish your breakfast cupcake and I will go see what X-ray wants." Jack says and kisses me on the top of the head. before leaving the room. At that moment Wood comes over and sits down next to me with his own plate of food. "I see that you having a better day today. Look like you got laid." Wood asked and he laugh hard when I no doubt started to blush. "So, what do we have to do today?" "Well, first we have to go to my physical therapy, then we are going to bake some bread for dinner tonight. Cece is making pasta, so we are going to make garlic bread, and cheese garlic bread." "Dame! that sounds amazing. I love your homemade bread. So what time is your therapy?" "It is at eleven so because it is only seven, we can make the Bread dough and let it set to rise and still have time to take a shower before we have to go." I told him.

I stand and take my and Woods plate tot eh sink and he fallows me waiting for orders. "Started getting the normal ingredients out, such as eggs flour, milk, yeast and stuff." I asked him as I rinsed off own plants and out them in the dish washer. When I was done with that, I started pulling out measuring cups and mixing bowl. I had just started mixing the dry ingredients as Wood measures out the wet ones when Jack comes into the kitchen and he looks really mad about something. Something is about to happen; I can feel big ball of dread in my gut right now and it is worrying me. I mixed the dry and wet mixtures together and watch as Jack sticks his head into the main room, were all the biker's hangout and have parties, And her shouts out "CHURCH" for some reason.

When he walks over to me, no doubt seeing the confused expression on my face, he smiles and kiss my on the lips quickly. "I am calling in church. It's a meeting of all the patched in brother to talk about club business. It won't be that long, and Wood is not a patched in member yet so he will still be here with you." He said and kisses me on the forehead before walking off to this church meeting thing. I looked to Wood and he just shrugged his shoulders looking just as clueless as I am feeling. With a shake of my head and puff of my breath I got back to work and started mixing the dough.

It wasn't till an hour and half later did everyone start leaving the little room they had gone into for "Church" as Jack said. I was currently kneading the last bread dough of the doze I have made; Wood was covering up the others to let them rise. As I set the last one down next to it and covered it up with a small warm towel just like that other ones, Jack walks up to me and Wood along with black man next to him. "Hay baby. I got bad news. I won't be able to go with you to your appointment, but Ghost here will accompany you and wood there instead. When you get back, I can tell you that we will no longer be on lock down. So, me and you can go out for some alone time with a nice dinner and even a nice hotel room for some fun together." At his words I felt my hole face break out in a blush. "I have to go get ready." I said and quickly ran out of the room to go get ready for my . As I climb into Wood's big black truck, what is it with these people and big vehicles, Jack comes running out of the club house towards me and wood. "Is something wrong?" I asked Jack as he stopped in front of me. "I almost let you go without saying goodbye, cupcake. I always have to see my old lady off with a kiss." He said and wrapped his arms around my waist and kissed me hard on the lips. I kissed him back just as hard. Once he broke the kiss and saw me there breathless from his kiss once again, he smiled said goodbye and stepped back shutting the door and seeing me off.

I sigh a breath of relief when I hear my therapies says done and I easy off the treadmill. She just made me run 3 miles on it, and that was after thirty squats, but don't me started on what I had to do in yoga. At the beginning of my appointment she had told me that she wanted to push my legs to the limit, and she pushed them to the limit and broke them at the same time. My legs feel like rubber. After saying goodbye, I headed out into the waiting room to find Ghost and wood sitting there waiting for me. "Hay guys I am done for the day but I have to use the restroom before we leave. So, can do you mind if you guys wait for a few more minutes?" I ask. Ghost just nodded his head as were Wood chuckled and said "Yeah". With the all clear I run off to the bathroom before my bladder could burst.

After Finishing washing my hands, I open the door to leave but run right into a solid chest. There stood a tall muscle guy wear a vest that looks like it had the same colors as Jacks. He smirked at me trying to look sexy but he looked anything but good. the bags under his eyes tells me he hasn't had a good night's sleep in weeks, his yellow teeth scream drug use. His long blond hair was greasy from not being washed, and his outfit of jeans and white T-shirt are stained with something. Over all he looked bag and untrustworthy. But what he said made all my thoughts go quiet. "Reaper is in trouble. He is hurt badly and you must come with me so I can take you to him. He is asking for you." He said sending my heart down to my gut. "What about Ghost and Wood?" I ask. "They are already outside waiting for us so come on." He said and garbed my hand before heading to the back of the building.

He had a tight grip on my arm that I know will burse, as he drags me down the hall ways and all I could do is let him trying not to trip on my own feet. I kept looking around for Wood or Ghost but I didn't see them and I started to get scared as he pulled me faster and faster to the back of the building. "Why are we going to the back of the building and not the front where Ghost and Wood are?" asked but he did not answer. He didn't make a sound or anything just going faster and fast till we were practically running down the hallways. I missed a step and tripped landing on my hard, which hurt a lot but what hurt the worst was he didn't even stop. He started to drag me down the hallway. When I finally got back my footing, I stated to tug my arm free but it was no use, his grip was too tight. I sure to have burse for days.

We finally make it to a back door and he pushes me through it. I step out and see a black large van backed up to the door with the back doors wide open. I turn to askes the man what is going one when warps one arm around my waist and the other held something to my face. By the feel of it was a damped cloth, and it smell sweet, too sweet. I started to feel sleepy as the funny smell took over my mind with. I felt my body go limp leading to the man to have to pick me up and place me in the back of the van. I tried to scream for help as he began to tight my hands together with some rope that was sitting in the back of the van. I watch, helplessly, as he tied me up and pushed be into the van and tide me to the side of it. I watch as he closed the door turning the inside dark then I was out like a light into the numbness dark full of that sweet smell.

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