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It has been four days. Four long days with empty, painful, and drunken. It has been four days since My little cupcake has been taken. All I can do is drink and yell at people. I mostly yell at wood for leaving my girl unprotected and yelling at X-ray for not finding my little cupcake. My chest hurts every time I think about her. I got all the brothers out looking for her but still no sign of her.

I sit at the bar holding on to a glass of gin with the bottle sitting right next to me. I know I look like a bitch but I am lost without my cupcake around me. Knuckles comes over Just as I am about to pour me another shot, and he takes the bottle way and passes it to the prospect behind the bar. "He is cut off!" He told the guy. "The Hell I am! "I shouted back and motioned for the prospect to give the bottle back. "I said you are cut off. So, you are cut off." Knuckles says taking my glass out of my hand and handing it over the prospect as well. I stood up quickly but just as quickly regret as I fell to the floor in a drunken slump. I had been drinking longer than I thought I had.

Cece walks over with her hands on her hips and a crazy looking face on. Well the best I could see of her blurry face. "Look here big boy. All you are thinking about is the fact that your girl is gone and it making you into a sad bitch. It is time to start to think about the fact that some son of a bitch has your girl and is doing god knows what with her. It is time to get fucking mad!" Cece yelled out "Baby, do us a favor and get this sad sack in a cold shower and then meet me in the kitchen with a fresh pot of coffee for him." She told Knuckles. As she walked off to the kitchen, Knuckles bent down and pulled me up to my feet. "Come on you sorry sack of shit." He said as he put right arm around over his shoulders and helped me up the stairs to my room.

I must have blacked out because the next thing I know is cold water washing down don my face from the shower head. It jolts me awake and sober in seconds. I look around and see a stern looking Knuckles. I ignore him as I step out of the shower, turning off the water, and I head into my bedroom to look for something to change into. "I am sorry brother but you need to get your ass in gear and out of this moping around crap you are doing. Like my wife side you need to stop thinking about the fact that your girl is gone and start think about the fact that someone has her." Knuckles says as I slip into a new dry pair of jeans and shits.

I look into the mirror and see just how much of a sad sack of shit I really do like look like. They are right about the fact that it is time to get my shit together. I need to get my girl back and kill the fucker that took her from me in the first place. I swear if the piece of shit has even hurt one fucking hair on my girl's head, I will kill him slowly. Right after I pulled my vest back on, the door burst open and there stand X-Ray with a big smile on his face. "I found something!"

I turn to Knuckles and ask. "Do you mind getting a cup of coffee from your girl and meeting me in X-Ray's room?" He nods his head and heads off to the kitchen as I fallow X-Ray down to his office. Once again, I am standing in X-Ray's office staring at a bunch of screens, as he types away at his key board. I take a chance and look away from the screens and glance up at the clock on the wall. It is late into the night and I am hoping for really good news from the hard-working X-Ray. "I Lost the van after a few blocks from the hospital but this morning I spotted him at a gas station filling up the van, and I fallowed him back to this house. I ran the address and it belong to some old woman names Betty sue Freemont. I think it might be Demons elderly aunt. I clocked him there about four hours ago, and he has not moved. So, I am thinking this is where he is kicking it and where he is keeping your girl."

"Get ready to show this in church." I told him and head out to the living room. I screamed out church to the hold house as I head to the chapel. When I opened the door to the chapel there was Knuckles sitting in his seat at the table, with two cups of coffee siting on the table. I sat down next to him and drank the coffee down gratefully for the caffeine as we wait for the rest of the brothers to come in to the room and take their seats.

As I finished the last of my coffee the last brother came in and sat down. "All of you know that my girl has been held captive for a few days now. So far, we have not headed a lead, but lucky is on our side today, for X-Ray found the son of a bitch." I told the group then I turned to X-Ray and said "Show the boys what you showed me." I, along with my brothers watch as the smug fucker fills the gas tank of the same van that just days ago, he had shoved my little cupcake into the back of. I swore to the lord above that I will burn that fucking vehicle to the ground when this is over.

When X-Ray was finished, the room turned back to me and I could see that my brothers are ready for our next move. "This place is over a few towns so it will be a long ride out there. once we get there, I don't want to take any chance on waiting. Everyone take a side, pick a window, and door a hole in the fucking place, just get in there are mess someone the fuck up but remember to keep an eye out for my girl." I watched as all my brother nodded their heads. "And one more thing. No one touches Demon! That sun of a bitch is mine and we take him to the shed!" They all grunted in approval.

I look at the clock on the wall to find it to be midnight. "It is late. I want every man pack and ready to go before they hit the sack. Make sure you all get a good night's sleep, then we all head out at dawn." I told them. We spent the next hour talking about strategy and weapons. When Everything was said and done, I knocked on the table signaling that church was over. We all left the room and head to our rooms to get ready for the war that is to be coming in just a few hours.

I stand in my room, I can still smell my sweet little cupcake in the air, I head over to the closet to get things ready for the ride tomorrow. First, I pull out my traveling saddle bags and start stuffing fresh cloths into one side, and a blanket in the other side. When that was done and full, I drape the bags over the back of the chair close by, and pull out machete, along with my Glock forty-five, setting them both in the chair next to my saddle bags. I head into the bathroom for a hot shower. I turn the shower on full blast before stripping my clothes off and stepping inside the shower. I stand under the shows letting the tension leave my body for the first time in days. I know it is a short relief to know where my girl is but I can never fully relax until she is home safe in my arms. Standing there I promise myself that when I get my girl back, I will make sure I cover her in my name. She will wear her cut that has my club and logo on it. She will have a wedding ring with a big diamond that will show every man she is taken. I will even make sure to get my name tattooed on her body, and my baby in her belly. Hell, I will even tattoo her name on me to show her that I belong to her as well. When the water turns cold, I quickly shut it off and head to bed for the night.

Beep Beep Beep

I roll over and slam my hand down on the sound, crushing my girls alarm clock. I don't know how she was able to stand that thing. I reach for me for to check the time to be Four-thirty in the morning. The sun will be up in thirty minutes, I better get up and get a cup of coffee before the others do. Getting up from the bed I quickly get dressed and head down to the kitchen. Cece and Knuckles are already up and drinking coffee at the table. The tension in the air could be cut with a knife. I sit down next to Knuckles and he gives me a nod, and Cece smiles over at me. "You going to bring our girl home today? Right?" "Nothing is going to stop me from getting my girl back today." I told her.

It is Five-fifteen and everyone is outside saddling up their bikes and getting ready to ride. Everyone is loaded up with weapons and ready for the shit storm that is coming. I stood up from strapping my bags to my bike and looked around at my brothers. They all stood staring at me ready for further instructions. "Saddle up!" I shouted and everyone including me straddled our bikes and revved them up. Cece Kissed Knuckles good bye before walking over to me and stuffing something into my saddle back. "I don't know what they did to her there but I can have a few guesses and if they are right you are going to need fresh clothing for her when you get to her." I just nodded; not want to think about what the dirty basters have done to her. When she had walked back into the house, I revved my bike one more time and then the hole lot of us took off.

After an hour and half X-ray leads us to a fence that looks like it covers a few acres of land with a house off in the distance. I look over to X-Ray for conformation and he give me a nod. I turn the bike around and we drive back about a mile away from the gate before parking on the side of the road. We all gather in a group on the side of the road next to our bikes. "Already boy listen up. Here is the plane."

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