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I lay there with my girl tucked in my arms on our bed. I hold my girl as she cries and cries. I whisper sweet things in her ear and rock her back and forth. After five minutes she stops crying and lays slack in my arms as she sleeps. I stay laying there for another ten minutes till there was a knock on the door. I easy her down on to the bed before I cover her with the blankets and make my way to the door. Opening the door, I find Knuckles standing there and I quickly put my finger to my lips and motion for him to be quiet. I stepped outside the door and quietly closed the door behind me.

"Is everything ready?" I asked him. "Yes. The sick prick is changed up in the shed, the house and the dead bodies are burning as we speak. All evidence that we were there is gone and the fire looks like an accident." "Good. By the way where is Wood? I want to thank that boy for saving my girl." "He is in the kitchen helping with the food." "Let's go have some fun before we do anything else. I want you to go tell beast and Torch at the shed and tell your girl to go sit with mine while I am gone. I don't want her waking up by herself." I told him and head outside to the shed.

I once again step into the shed and head down stairs to the cells that are under ground. I stop and the first one and see the son of a bitch hanging from the ceiling. He looks up at me and I smile back at him. "Did you really think you were going to steal my girl and get away with it?" I asked sarcastically. "I almost had her. She was under me ready to take my seed." I punched him in the face. "She will have my babies. She will wear my ring on her hand. She is and will always be my old lady." I told him with another punch to the face.

I hear footsteps come into the room behind me and I turn to find Knuckles, Beast, and torch standing there. "Torch be a good man and burn his fingers for me. Please." I asked him and stepped away from Demon ready to watch him suffer in pain for touching my woman. I watch as Torch goes over to the table and starts up his blow Torch before stepping to the dirty bag lighting up his finger one at a time. He screams out in pain but I feel like it is not enough pain.

Once all ten fingers have been burned to a crisp, I motion for Beast to splash water on the fucker for he has passed out from the pain. "Knuckles! Would you like to have a go at him? Anything you want to do to him for taking your girl's best friend sending her to cry for days." I asked him. He just nodes his head and heads over to the table. The baster is still screaming and moaning in pain but we just ignore him. I see knuckles pick up the brass knuckles and put them on, then he steps to demon and starts whaling on him like a punching bag. Knuckles strikes at his face, chest, gut, leaving no place untouched.

Knuckles beats on him for ten minutes till I feel like he had enough of it and call him off. After putting the brass knuckles back on the table, he goes and stands next to the other guys. Before I can choose what to do to him next my phone rings out. Pulling it out of my pocket I see that Cece is calling me and take a guess that it is my girl calling me. "Beast! Shut him up!" I call out and wait for him to shove a gag into Demon mouth, before accepting the call. "Hello?" "Jack. Are you real busy right now?" Katie askes. "Nothing that would keep me from you. Why? What is wrong cupcake?" I ask her worried that something is wrong. "Nothing is wrong really and Cece is great company, But I would really like it if you came back and kept me company." She said in a small scared voice. "No problem baby. I will be there in a few minutes."

"Beast." I holler back to beast once again and he steps up to me. "That was my girl calling and she wants me to come back. I would love to finish this fucker off but my girl is more important to me, so do me a favor and kill this piece of shirt but make sure it is slow and bloody. Will you do that for me?" He just nods his head. I take my leave and head back to my girl.

Walking into my bedroom I find Cece and my girl sitting on the bed waiting for me. After Cece takes her leave I shut the door to give us some alone time. "Come lay with me please." She says and I comply, taking off my vest and laying it over the back of the chair before laying down next to her. She leans over and kiss softly before making it a little harder. I kiss her back and wrap my arms around her, pulling her to lay on top of me. "I missed you Jack. I need you to touch me. Touch me and erase their touch from me. I need to feel your touch again." "We can't baby. You are hurt to bad and your ribs could get worse." "Please Jack. Just be careful and make love to me."

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