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#Must warn you I went over board with this one#

For the fifth time today, I sit at my desk looking over the books for the strip joint and comparing them to the books from the bar. Money is coming up short in some places but never at the same time. That we are dealing with one thief. The last three days I have done nothing but go over these book and it is pissing me off. I haven't even had time to go see my little cupcake and add the fact that I don't have her number to even call her. I am really fucking this up before I even have a chance to start. I know what I'll do. I grab my cell and call up Cece. After the sixth ring she finally picks up the phone with a "Sup" "Would you mind coming to my offices. I would like to talk to you about something." She replies with a simple okay and hangs up on me.

When I hear a sharp knock on my office door, I call out a quick enter and Cece walks in planting her but in one of my office chairs. "So, what is it you want form little old me?" she said. Looking up at her will a guilt written all over my face and said. "I haven't been able to go see my little cupcake for about three days now, and I have no number for her so I haven't been called her either." "You did not!! That poor woman I thought you like her, I know she likes you. It was written all over her face. I wonder how she feel right now. Bet she feels foolish, the poor thing." "Enough!" I shouted cutting off her rant. "I am beating myself up over this enough as it is. What I called you here for was to see if you are free today. I would like you to take my card and go take my girl out or a girls' day or something . Take her shopping, even go get your guys nails done. Whatever you girls like to do. All on my card. Just let her know that I am sorry and will see her again real soon." I tell her as I hand her my debit card. I'm not worried about them spending to much, it is a very big bank account. "You got it big guy. Go make your girl feel better!" She shouted as she grabbed my card and ran out of my office. When she is final gone, I send Torch a message to bring my the employees list and work hours, then got back to work.

Its about noon when I decide to stop looking over the books and cool down with a cold beer. I got no clue who the son of a bitch is stealing from my club and its pissing me off greatly. Luckily, we did figure out how they are stealing the cash, he is getting it just before the club and bar cash out for the night. This shows we are getting closer. I sit on a bar stool and raise my hand at the prospect behind the bar for a beer. As I started sipping on my beer, I could feel myself start to relax.

Suddenly my cell phone is going off in my pocket. Digging the phone out of my back pocket, I see Cece name flashing across the screen. Swiping the green phone icon across the screen, I answer the call. Cece is speaking to fast to understand her and it send me on high alert, knowing that something is wrong. "Cece slow down woman. Take a deep breath and then talk." "We are at the mall and I think we are going to be in trouble." "What the hell is happening?" I shouted as I jumped from my stool causing it to push over. The load crash from the stool hitting the ground sounds through the now vary quiet bar, and alerting the other brothers that something is wrong. "A couple of Devil Snakes are here and they were bothering Katie. I think we are about to have a real fight go down because they won't leave her alone, and Knuckles is trying to get them to leave."

"I'm coming!!" I screamed out before hanging up and shouted for the brothers to saddle up. They all growled out knowing something was wrong as we all got on our bikers and drove off with me in the lead. The only thing I was concerned with was getting to my girl and keeping her safe. So, I road like hell, flying down the road on the fifteen-minute drive to the mall with all thirty of my brothers fallowing.

We pull into the parking lot of the mall and can see many different people running from the mall in panic. Some shit is going on and I have a feeling that my little cupcake is right in the middle of it. After parking our bikes, we all haul ass into the mall heading the opposite direction the screaming people are coming from. As we arrive at the food court, I can see the mess of the place and the fighting. Knuckles is over on the table pounding on some guy, Cece is crying in the corner, and I look over and see the worst sight ever. There on the floor, surrounded by what looks to be broken table pieces, was my little cupcake laying screaming with a man on top of her trying to remove her clothes. I saw red at that moment and charger at them, ripping off the man from my girl, and we rolled off to the side and landed with me on top. All I could think about was the way he touched my girl and it fluid my anger as I landed my fist in his face over and over.

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