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As the darkness slowly faded the pain followed it's path till all I could feel was pain. My back hurt along with my arm and head. I can feel I am laying on a bed but it is not my bed. It is softer than mine and I am in silk sheets. I open my eyes slowly and look around. Some of the room is blurry but I can see am in a man's room. I hear the shower running and fear started to wash over me quickly. My body is still not awake enough to move so I am stuck in a stranger's room in their bed wearing someone else clothing. I started to hyperventilate and that's when I smelt it. the most wonderful smell I have ever smelt. The smell that made me feel safe and warm. The smell of Jack. Leather and musk, the sent of the man that invades my dreams. I am in Jacks room, and I am safe.

With the knowledge of where I am and knowing I am safe; I start to slam down. I can feel my body Start to come back to me. My right arm cannot be move but I can feel my left arm moving, along wit my toes twitching. That is when Jack walks into the room with nothing but a towel wrapped around his hips. With a loud squeak and red cheeks, I wrap my arm across my eyes. Then I hear a deep chuckle come from Jack. "Good evening cupcake." "Would you mind covering up?" "Do not like my body cupcake?" I could feel my cheeks grow in warmth as they turn redder. Next thing I hear is a door open and shuffling of clothes. I slowly uncover my eyes and see Jack over by the closet in the middle putting a shirt on, and lucky has a pair of sweats on.

When he had finish getting dressed, I watched as he walk over to the bed and laid down next to me. "How are you feeling cupcake?" He asked. "I am confused and I hurt. Jack, what happened to me? Where am I?" I desperately asked him.. "Do you remember being at the mall and being attacked?" He replied. I simply shook my head no. "Well baby, you were attacked by a few club members from the town over. I'm sorry to say this but her tried to rape you but thankfully he did not get far enough. You broke your wrist, bruised some ribs and got a bump on your head. Other than that, and a few scratches on your thighs you are okay now." He told me. I could feel the tears coming full force as I started to remember it all.

"Please don't cry my little cupcake. They won't hurt you anymore. They are gone." He said as he wrapped his arms around me and rocked me as I cried into his shoulder. When I have final put myself back together, I leaned back but kept my arms around his neck. "Thank you, Jack. Thank you so much for saving me." I will always be there for you baby. You are mine and I am going to keep you safe. I want to ask you to be my old lady. I know we just met each other but I can feel a pull to you." "what is An Old Lady?" "It is what a biker calls the one woman in their life. The one women they want for the rest of their lives. The one woman that will be their only one." "Can we take it slow first? Maybe start with that date you promised me?" "I can do that. Now how about we go get something to eat? I don't know about you but I am staving." I nodded my head eagerly.

When I stood up from the bed, I looked down to see that I was wearing a very big man's t-shirt with leggings that were three times longer than me. "I had Cece change your clothes, while I was out dealing with some trash. I made sure she put one of my shirts on you. I like it when you wear my clothes and smell like me." I smiled and sniffed the shirt. "I like it when I smell like you as well. I hope you don't mind but I don't think you will be getting this shirt back." I said and watched with a smile on my face as he tilled his head back and let out a full belly laugh.

As we headed down the stairs holding hands, well trying to hold hands with a pink cast on my arm and around my hand and his larger hand wrapped around it, I can hear a loud ruckus. As I stepped on the last step, I saw two men rolling around on the ground as a few other big men placing bets on the bar by the wall. "That's enough! My girl and I are here and I don't need her getting hurt with this roughhousing." Jack yelled out which got the whole place quiet and still "Come cupcake. Let's get you something to eat then I'll introduce you to the brothers." Jack said as he steered me towards behind the stairs. Which I guess is where the kitchen is. I am so hungry I thought to myself.

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