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After putting the last level of cake, for Cece baby party cake, in the oven and I glance at the time. It read four thirty, which means I get to see Jack real soon. It's been a hole day but I san still feel his lips on mine from his heated kiss, and my breast still tingle a little from his touch. Heat pools between my thighs just thinking about it.

Wood has been a really big help today. I got done baking a lot quicker with his help. When I need something, he was right there to get it form me, even the things that were tooo high for me to reach. I didn't have to stand on an old chair that might break under me, to reach something. Other than being a big help around the kitchen he was also a great person to be around. He was always joking about something and just plain talking to me. He is great company. I wonder if he would mind being my assistant from now on, I thought to myself.

Just then a thought popped in my head. If I can charge Cece just enough for the cake, I might be able to open my own little bakery. I should talk to Jack about it though. Maybe I am just dreaming of possibilities.

"Wood!" I called out to him as he is sitting in the living room reading on the couch. I feel sorry that I don't have a TV for him to watch. I watch as he skips into the kitchen with a big grin on his face. "What I can do for you, my lady?" He asked with a fake British accent. I giggled at his silliness. "Would you mind watching the oven for me while I go and look for something to wear on my date with um Reaper tonight?" "Sure! No problem. DO you know where he is taking you?" "No, I don't but he did tell me to dress warm." I said then walked into the bedroom. First thing I did was start looking through the bagsfrom the mall.

Jack said that he wants to spoil me and I don't know how I feel about that. Even my parents were still alive, the never spoiled me but I never wanted anything that wasn't necessary.

When I finished looking through the bags and I believe I have pick out a great outfit and aid it out on the bed. I chose to go with a black long sleeve off the shoulder think wool shirt, with skinny jeans and the biker boots.

"Katie! THe cake is done!" I hear wood yell from the kitchen So, I hurried back to the kitchen to get the cake out of the oven before it burns. After setting the cake down on the table to cool down, Wood leaned over and took a big whiff of it and said, "Smells like home." "Remember you can't tell anybody the color of it, for it is a surprise." I told him. He made an X motion over his chest as his answer. I giggled and looked over at the time to find it read Five fifteen. I better start getting ready for the date. "Wood, would you mind stepping outside while I take a shower? IT's just a bit uncomfortable to have a man in my house while I am in the shower." I told him. He just smiled and nodded his head as he headed out the front door. When he was out the door and the door shut behind him, I rushed to the bathroom and started to get ready for my date.

When I was finally dressed and ready, I went to the door to invite Wood back inside. As I open the door, I didn't see him. Instead Of wood, I fund Jack standing there with a dozen roses. Tears started to form in my eyes and spill over on to my cheeks. "Cupcake, why are you crying?" "I am so happy to see you. I missed you today." I told him as I whip the tears away. He smiles a real big smile and wraps me in a big hug. He is so warm and comfy; I never want to be anywhere else but her. I feel like I belong here. "Are you ready baby?" "I just have to put my boots on and then I'll be ready." "Then you go and do that while I put these in some water. Deal?" I simple nodded and went ot my bedroom to put my boots on and grab my wallet.

I joined Jack back at the front door and he lead me out to his bike that was parked out front. Sitting on his bike was a vary purple new helmet along with his helmet. He got me a helmet and its purple. How did he know my favorite color? "I hope you like purple. It was the only one I could find that would fit you." Jack said as he scratched the back of his neck nervously. "Purple is my favorite color." I told him and stretched up and kissed him lightly on the lips. He growled out and wrapped his arms around me ad kissed me back. He kissed me with so much passion, he took my breath away. When he finished kissing me, he left me breathless and wanting more.

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