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Son of Bitch! That's all I could think. I started shaking the left shoulder of my little cupcake to wake her up and keep her from slipping in to shack. I can feel the gunshot wound in her shoulder as I shake it. I started searching through my pockets for my cell phone but it must have fallen out because I can't find it anywhere. I look over to my cupcake and spot her little pink phone sticking out of the back pocket of her jeans I quickly grabbed it, Making sure it is still working, then typed in knuckles number to call. The phone rang several times before going to voice mail. "Mother Fucker!" I growled out before calling him again. This time the fucker finally pick up after the fourth ring.

"Who ever this is better have a good reason for calling me. I was about to get me some." From the back ground I can hear a faint "No you aren't". If I wasn't in so much pain and my girl wasn't in trouble, I would be laughing instead I growled out for his attention. "Reaper? Whose Phone are you calling from? I don't recognize the number." "I am calling form my girls new cell phone but never mind that I am in some deep shit. Some fucker just ran me off the road and shot at us. My girl is shot and hit her head on something. I landed with my bike trapping my leg, so I can't move. My girl is past out. I think she is hurt pretty bad but I can't get a good look." "Where are you. I will get some brothers as well as Doc and his van to get out there quickly." He asked quickly. "We are at the back road ten. About three miles from my girl's house".

It wasn't long before I can hear the roars of motorcycles heading our way from the road. I look over to my cupcake and find her still past out and I can see her skin turning even paler. She is losing a lot fo blood and I can't help her. I sweat who ever did this is going to pay big time.

I can hear my brothers up on the road calling my name. "We are down here!" I holler back. Next, I see all my brothers sliding down the steep hill that we must have rolled down. "Knuckles! You, Doc and some of the brothers get my girl out of here. She is hurt pretty bad, The rest of you get this fucking bike off me so I can kill who ever did this." I yelled out. I watched helplessly as Doc, Beast, and wood help Knuckles carry my little cupcake out of the ditch. Se is still past out and not moving. I am worried about her. The other brother helped lift my once wonderful bike up off my leg as trigger and Vic helped pull me out from under it. "Ace! How is she looking?" I asked him about my bike for he works at the shop with Jackie. "I can't tell how bad she is until I get her to the shop. For now, let us focus on getting you and your girl out of this ditch."

Torch and Trigger helped me to my feet but I could not put any weight on my leg, it is most likely broken. Though I couldn't give a dame about my leg because all I can think about is my little cupcake. I watch as they lift my girl up to the road, and then they helped me up as well. When we finally get on to the road, I see them laying my girl in the back seat of Doc's van. Doc then comes up to me with a sad look on his face. "We have to get her to the hospital. She has lost a lot of blood and she may have a concussion. I am afraid that right now all I can do is just slow down the bleeding and hope for the best for right now." "Let's get out of here than and get my girl to the hospital." I said as I climbed into the passenger seat of the van and he climbed into the drivers. I turned to look at the back of the van to find my sweet little cupcake laying in the back seat still pasted out. I gave Doc the sign to go and we headed to the hospital.

I growl at Trigger as he once again forces me to sit down in the far to small for my size chair in the waiting room of the emergency room at the hospital. I have been looked over but the doctor and I was discharged with a broken leg and some bruised ribs but that does not matter. All that matter is how my little cupcake is doing and that I have no clue of. Me and all my brothers have been sitting here in the waiting room for about three hours and still no word from the doctor. Knuckles is even sitting in the corner with Cece on his lap crying out for my girl.

Finally, the doctor comes out and I try my best to rush over to him. Before I could every one beats me to it and I have to shove my way through my brothers to get to the front and quickly ask the Doctor how my girl is doing. "Well the good news is the we have stopped the bleeding and stitched up the gunshot wounds. The one in her shoulder was a through and through with little damage so she will not have any problems with her arm. The shot to her leg is a different story. It must have been an old bullet because it shredded on impact. Took us a hour to get all the pieces collected. Now the bad news is her head injury. She hit her head really hard on something shape. We managed to stitched up the deep cut but we put her in a medical induced coma to help the swelling of the brain go down. The swelling should go down in a few days and then we will wake her up. I must warn you that with every head injury there is a chance that brain damage can be present. Such as memory loss or even loss of motor functions."

When the doctor had finished, I lost it. I started throwing things around the room until my leg gave out on me and I sunk to the floor in a crying mess. I don't care if I look like a pussy, I am going to cry for my girl. Me and my brothers all hung our heads and said a pray for my girls' life.

Its been three days and my girl is still in a coma. Doctor said that the swelling is going down and they will wake her up any day now. I have done nothing but sit by her side all day and all night. I haven't slept much to afraid that she will wake up and call for me. We got my girl a private room so I use to the private bathroom, along with the shower in there. I have prospect on guard all the time even though I am in the room. Someone tried to kill us and I will not let that happened again.

I hear a soft knock on the door, I turn and watch Knuckles along with Cece walk into the room. Hay big guy, why don't you and Knuckles her go get something to eat form the café. I will sit with out girl her while you are gone." Cece said. I just grunted in reply. Next thing I know is Knuckles is pushing me out of my chair. When I got back up, I growled at him before fallowing him out of the room.

I sit in the little yellow chair in the cafeteria of the hospital looking down at the sad excuses of food I have ever seen. I odder a club sandwich looking forward to a meat sandwich, What I got was worse than a limp dick in a strip joint. There were two slices of meat with a hand full of green veggies. I looked over to the meal that Knuckles got and was still not impressed. He got the meat sub and his looks worse than mine dose. I spend three days eating out of a vending machine and when I get a real meal, I get this crap! I thought to myself How disappointing. I would give anything to have some of my little cupcake cooking again.

When Knuckles and I were done eating we headed back to my cupcakes room. Right after we walked into the room the doctor fallowed suit. Doc had to get back to his clinic near the club house so we are stuck with pretty boy doctor that looks like a wet behind the ears school boy. I don't like the way he touches my girl when he is "Examining" her. "She is looking good today. So, I think we are going to reduce the medication and bring her back out of her coma." The doctor said and I felt a weight lift off my shoulders. After injecting something into her IV the doctor left.

Wiht the thought of my little cupcake waking up gives me great relief. Now all was can do is wait. I just hope with all the shit that she has to deal with the last few days does not driver her away from me. I don't know what I would do if she never wanted to see me again. I will have to tell her that being with me means this is not a once in a life time chance of getting hurt. That being with a biker, let along a president of a biker club, she will have to deal with a lot of crap for being with me. More importantly she will be a target for men that want to hurt me. It is a heavy burden to be with me. I really do hope she can handle it and learn to be happy with me. For now, I just have to wait and hope for the best.

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