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-Sweet but Pyscho by Ava Max-

Stare at the ceiling all night, wake up at five AM to go to work, lunch at a local diner, back to work, off at six, hit the bar, go back to shitty apartment,  take a shower, and go to bed which consisted of another night of staring at the ceiling.

That was Mark Walsh's life - not much of one anyway. It wasn't the best routine but it was a routine none the less. His life had been nothing but routine since he was sixteen-years-old - it was the only way he knew how to live.

He could be honest and say his life was less than fulfilling, but when you were a big, burly, ex-convict covered in tattoos - there were no friends, no love, no family, and no decent-paying jobs. There was nothing for Mark after being locked up for fifteen years.

That is until he got a call, a call that changed his life forever. A change that caused him to take off of work. A change he needed to dwell on; and what better way to dwell then with a stiff drink? Too bad it was early in the morning and bars weren't open at this time.

Good thing Mark was determined, and also, very desperate and in need of that drink. So desperate, he searched the internet until he found a bar - and he did.

Pulling into the Monkey Tavern, he put his orange 1980 Dodge Ram - Dawn - next to a 1969 Camaro SS. Climbing out of Dawn, Mark eyed the Camaro impressed as he walked past to get to the door.

Just as he was going to walk in, he stopped at the sight of a couple arguing inside the bar. He could see them through the door window where the open sign was lit. Though he could see them, he couldn't make out what they were saying. Instead, he heard the loudness and anger in their tones.

The guy was so wound up, he got in the girl's face.

Instead of cowering, she let out an amused laugh right in his face which only made him madder.

Yeah, couples fight but Mark did not like how the guy was screaming in her face. He was coming off aggressive and possibly violent. No, he wasn't a big guy, nor was he scrawny or even tall. Matter of fact, he was anything but scary. He looked like he was having a bitch fit. If he was smart, he would have realized the girl didn't take him seriously.

She pushed her hands into her back pockets, letting him go on with his barking.

The guy started pushing her back with his chest and she turned her shoulder to him.

Gulping, she tried to keep her cool. Between his screaming and pushing, she was visibly getting closer to her breaking point.

If she hadn't noticed Mark watching, God knows what would have happened next.

Didn't take long for the guy to notice him either.

"The hell," he muttered, walking over to the door.

The girl took the time to grab her purse and a black t-shirt from on top of the bar counter.

"What do you want?" the guy greeted Mark with an attitude. He stood in the way, so Mark couldn't even think about coming in.

"Came for a drink," Mark locked eyes with the girl as she walked towards them.

"We're not open."

Mark pointed to the lit 'open sign', causing the guy to grimace. He reached for a nearby switch and turned it off, "we're not open."

"Yeah you are," the girl turned the switch back on, "I'm leaving."

She tries to push past him the jerk, who pushes her back and flicks off the sign.

"Let me leave, Erick!" was the last thing Mark heard before the door got slammed in his face.

Once again, the two started going back and forth.

Not only was Erick a jerk but he was also stupid to think Mark was just going to leave. Even if it was just a very heated argument, he didn't feel comfortable just leaving the girl there. Especially since he was stopping her from leaving.

There Mark stood and watched.

He didn't know what the girl said, but whatever she said caused the guy to give her a hard slap to the face, that sent her whirling right into the bar.

Just when Mark was about to play hero, he realized in a matter of seconds, he didn't have to.

With a kick to the balls, the girl sent Erick to his knees. She screamed what Mark could make out as obscenities. With a punch right to the nose, she sent him on his butt. Shaking her aching knuckles, she continued to yell at him.

Just when an impressed Mark thought she had given him what he deserved, she took it a step further and grabbed the flipped chair off the floor. Lifting it over her head, she was suddenly picked up by Mark.

"I told you what would happen if you put your hands on me again!" she tossed the chair which luckily flew over Erick's head, right over the bar and onto the floor.

"You bitch!" Erick yelled, holding his bloody nose with one hand and his balls with the other. "You're fucking psycho!"

"I'll show you psycho!" she managed to whip past Mark who scooped her into his arms again.

"Okay, okay, that's enough," he told her. Mark places her on her feet, walking her backward, "he's had enough, he's had enough."

Keeping her intense brown eyes on a groveling Erick, she reluctantly stopped herself - or so Mark thought.

Mumbling words that he couldn't quite make out, she left out of the bar.

With a shake of his head, he looked back at Erick who was cussing up a storm because of his broken nose. There was nothing for him to do or say - whether he learned or not, Erick had definitely been taught a lesson.

Stepping over Erick, Mark picks up her purse and t-shirt, noticing a Dunkin Donuts logo on it.

Hearing a banging sound from outside, Mark quickly runs to the door to see the girl kicking the rearview mirror of the Camaro with her boot.

"Jesus Christ!" he quickly goes outside. "Hey, girl, chill out!"

With a few more kicks, the mirror went crashing to the ground.

"Fuck you, Erick!" she walked around the car to do the other mirror, "and you're precious fucking car."

With every word, she kicked and by the end of her sentence, the second mirror was a goner.

"Gir!" Mark started stalking towards her, "you're going to get arrested. That's e -"

With her bare fist, she punched in the window of the car.

With a satisfied smile, she barely winced at her bleeding knuckles.

"That'll teach him," she nodded at a jaw dropped Mark.

She took her shirt and purse away from him, "I can't believe I skipped breakfast for this," she sucked her teeth.

Taking her phone out of her purse, she checked the time, "got some free time before work," she looked up at Mark, "you hungry?"

Speechless, Mark let out a scoff of disbelief.

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