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-One Man Band by Old Dominion- 

It was a perfect day to have a picnic. It was warm, but the cool breeze made it, so you didn't feel like you would have a heat stroke.

The food was delicious, and the cake was the icing on top.

Mark and Denise had a good time talking, listening to music, cracking jokes, and playing with Rex.

However, amid their birthday celebration, they had interactions with fans who just couldn't help but say hi and, of course, meet Rex.

It was their engagement with fans that they realized how well known they were becoming. It felt great to know that people were actually interested in them, their lives, and their growth, but it was also overwhelming.

Going from a nobody to somebody meant that they would have to eventually start making boundaries for their privacy and general wellbeing.

For Denise, it was quite ironic as well.

If she had stayed with her family, she would have ended up a model like her mother. But once she got shipped off to Massachusettes, she vowed to never be in the spotlight again.

She didn't want to be like her parents—one person in front of the camera and another off.

It was as if she didn't have a choice but to be famous or known even if it was on a smaller scale. As if it was her purpose regardless.

All in all, they had a good time. Once Mark and Denise finished eating, they hung out on their blanket and enjoyed the beautiful day.

As Denise played with Rex, Mark sat beside her, watching.

A week had gone by, and they hadn't talked about their conversation in Deleware. Denise went on as if he had never even told her.

Naturally, someone else in Mark's position would feel hurt, rejected, maybe even angry.

But by now, Mark knew who he was dealing with.

Denise's actions didn't always portray what she actually felt or was thinking.

It would be ignorant to pester her or get mad at her, especially when he knows her past. He didn't want to pressure her about it and potentially push her away altogether.

As patient as he was, however, one week was enough. By now, it was clear that he was going to have to bring it up.

It couldn't just go untalked about it. It wasn't fair to Mark. He had given Denise time, but now it was time to discuss it.

And what better time than his birthday?

"So, we gonna talk about it?" he asked her.

He didn't have to see her face to know she had tensed up.

To Mark's surprise, Denise didn't reflect.

Even more so, she left Rex to play with his toy and looked Mark in the eyes.

"You mean your crazy insistence that you're in love with me?"

"Wait," Mark chuckled in disbelief, "what?"

"You heard me. It's crazy that you think you're in love with me. Just because we've been cooped up in a van for the last few months doesn't mean this has to turn into a rom-com. You just need a little time to cool off and realize that you are thinking with your dick, not your common sense. We'll pretend the conversation never happened and continue our road trip like the best buds we already are."

With a sarcastic smile plastered on her face, Mark processed her words with a humored smirk.

Of course, Denise would try to make him out to be crazy rather than actually say how she feels about him. He wasn't surprised or discouraged.

"So, what, you think I wanted to fall in love with you?" he asked with his gaze super glued to hers.

With a thoughtful look in her eyes, Denise shrugged.

Mark lets a scoff, "have you met you? You are loud, outspoken, a smart ass, a hot-head, you do before you think, you're attitude stinks, you -"

"I'm all these things," she took his facts like a champ. "Yet, you've fallen in love with me."

"Yeah," Mark nods unremorseful "Yeah, I have. I love that smart mouth of yours. I love it when you're pissed; I love that you don't take shit from anyone else or even me. That attitude can be a real pain in my ass but," he shrugged, "you wouldn't be you without it."

Denise was so flattered, she looked away, fighting the urge to smile and feel. Lately, his compliments gave her butterflies. Yet, at the same time, it made her feel like she was getting punched in the gut.

She knew this was going to happen - it was inevitable. You spend so much time with someone you're bound to fall.

The problem isn't that Mark had fallen in love with her. Or that she had feelings for him too.

The issue was that Denise had never loved anyone before, let alone a guy.

She had to like guys to deal with them, but love? Selfless, sincere, real love was something she wasn't even sure she possessed.

What if she couldn't give to Mark what he was evidently willing to give her. It would be different if she didn't care about him.

Mark was different than the other guys; he mattered to her. If there was any guy she didn't want to ruin things with, it was him. Denise couldn't let her feelings ruin the only real connection that she's ever had.

Denise roughly rubs her face in frustration. She lifts her head with a sigh, "look, Mark, I don't know what you want me to say, okay? If you can't handle being friends, then maybe I should leave like I said I would anyway."

"Do you think I'd let you go that easy?" Mark asks her.

"Stop. Saying. Things. Like. That." she scolds him.

"Then stop running for once in your life and just say what the hell you want."

"I want to be good for you. Just because we love each other doesn't mean we should be together, okay? You're a good guy and as cool as I am," she makes him laugh. "Broken or completely sane, I'm a lot. What you see is what you get. And I -"

"Are you done?"

Denise scoffs in annoyance, "I mean if you're done listening, yeah, I guess."

"Good," Mark leans in to kiss her, and Denise puts her hand over his mouth, stopping him.

As corny and romantic as he was - he was so hot.

Mark was sweet, charming, and everything she didn't even know she wanted in a guy. All this time, he was stealing her heart, and she didn't even realize it.

Staring into his confused eyes, she searched for any valid reasons why they shouldn't take that step out of the friend zone. But she couldn't find one that would push Mark away.

Realizing that she was at the point of no return, Denise's shoulders slouched, "Shit."


I finally got three chapters out!! Finals drained me, so I was working sooo slow! I am so sorry. But as always, hard work pays off eventually. I hope you guys enjoyed these chapters!

This wasn't my initial idea of how they get together. I was trying to make it romancy but still have that Mark and Denise take on it. Trying to avoid cliche as much as possible.

I hope I succeeded.

Also, isn't Rex the cutest?

Make sure you comment, comment, comment!

More updates coming as soon as I can!

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