Chaper 2

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Thursday the 12th December 2019-


I woke up to the sound of screaming out side, I checked the time and it was 3am, god what is happening? As I walked to the window I heard gun shots and what I thought was nail guns, then I saw it, another innocent person silenced for no reason. I hate how this world has turned out, it is terrible, we should be able to talk about what we want and not have to worry about getting silenced.
I decided to get a drink because I couldn't get back to sleep, as I walked down stairs I realised that Katie was on the sofa watching tv, "what you doing?" I questioned "watching the news cuz I can't sleep with all the screaming out the back" she replied, she then got up and walked to the kitchen. I stayed to watch what was happening on the news, yet again the elders are complaining about the youth, but this time something was different, they were talking about Dominic and how they are giving a reward for his where about, "well someone's bound to rat him out" I said to myself, I wonder why they don't just got to his shows, of course I  don't want him to be found but wouldn't it have been obvious to get him there?
After watching the news and talking to Katie about is we both decided to go back to sleep because we were going to the concert tonight.

After waking up at 2 pm because of Katie screaming at me I decided to get ready for the concert. The concert starts at 7pm but we wanted to get there early. After getting ready and screaming all the lyrics to doms songs we decided to go to the venue and wait, as we were walking down the street we saw more silencers running around and trying to 'stop crime' as they call it. "I'm scared, what if we get In trouble with the elders" Katie said as she turned to me "it will be fine, look how many concerts he has done and hasn't got caught" I replied then we got to the venue and waited 2 hours

—time skip—

We got into the concert and it was amazing it was only half way through but me and Katie were having so much fun. We were able to get the front row and have a good view of the stage. In the middle of Dom singing machine gun there were gun shots but we all thought it was the music until Adam, Michael and Dom stoped playing. Then everyone turned to the back of the venue " shit y/n the silencers" Katie screamed at me while we were all getting pushed to the front of the venue, shit we got caught I guess someone did rat him out then, as soon as I went to run I felt someone hit me in the arm quite hard, I turned to see that it was a silencer trying to arrest me, this is I'm done for, but then the silencer stoped and fell to the floor but before I could realise I was being pulled away from the venue and into what looked like a tour bus. Before I could get a good look at where I was I passed out

—————————————————— a/n
Welcome to chillies
I feel like this is shit but ya know what imma write it anyway 😂

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