Chapter 20

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Today was the day, the day everyone was preparing for, the first outing, I had spoken to Dom about being up on the front line with him, it took a lot to convince him but he finally agreed for me to go with everyone, who I was happy about.
As Dom and bear where finishing up telling people the plan me and Katie were handing out bullet proof vest and guns for everyone, because of course we need to be ready for them, for this first fight there was five groups, I was in the first group with Dom, Katie, Adam and bear with some other people, we where going to be the distraction while the other groups try and get into the elders base, which w is going to very hard because they are very protected.
Once everyone was ready we all got into the trucks, they were sending out two trucks with 10 people in each, then rest of the troops where back at camp for medical or for backup. We started to drive to the elders base because we were going to attack them, they didn't know this was coming, or at least we thought that didn't.

In the truck I was sitting with Dom, we were both scared because this was the first outing, and we were not sure how it would go, but everyone's as being positive, it was a long drive to get to the elders base so me and Katie both fell asleep.

When Dom woke me up we were a few miles away from the elders base, we had to walk the rest of the way other wise they would know that it was us. As we got closer, guns started going off, we had been spotted.
Dom then screamed at Everyone to run, everyone was panicking and running, so I ran with them, I tried to follow Dom but I couldn't because he had ran off before me, but I hid behind a bush until the guns had died down, I knew it wasn't safe to get out and start looking for people so instead I found a tree and climbed it. When I got to the top of the tree I could see the elders base clearly and I could see many of the silencers, I started to look around for any of our troops, at first I saw some of the boys, but then I saw Doms bright pink hair , how he hadn't been see is magical, but there was someone walking towards him, it was a silencer, I couldn't let him get caught, not now. I had to do something but I didn't know what, I started to thing then remembered I had a gun, so I set it up in the tree and aimed to behind the silencer. I then shot once at him, he then turned around and I saw Dom run off in the other direction, I'm glad I could get him out.

I had been up this tree for about an hour, I had watched people almost get caught and some even get silenced, I helped to people I could but it was no use, I wasn't going to be able to stay up here forever so I started to get down, when I got half way I heard people at the bottom but I couldn't fully see who it was, until I saw his bright pink hair, then I knew it was Dom, he hadn't seen me so I decided to scare him, I quietly walked behind him and then swiftly covered his mouth with my hand, he screamed into my hand and Adam burst out laughing, Dom then turned around and hugged me, "omg I'm so glad your ok I thought u got hurt" he said as he squeezed me tighter "no Dom, I'm fine, I've been up in the tree since we first got here pretty much, and I saved your ass from that silencer" I said proudly "that was you?! Wow I thought it was one of the boys, thank you baby I didn't know what to do at that point" he hugged me again and then went back to being serious "right, two of the boys have gotten in but they need back up, we also need to re-group and get some people out of there" he said towards Adam, then Adam spoke to bear on the radio.
After Adam had told everyone to meet us here it took five minutes until everyone who was left showed up, there was only 12 of us left plus the two inside, we were ready to get into the building, we sent 6 people into the back and 6 people to say by the door and guard, I was outside with Katie, Chelsea, Jess, Brooke another girl called lilly we were told to watch out while the boys went in. After twenty minutes of fighting off any silencers that came around the boys ran out of the entrance with 5 new people, they all had metal sheets over their mouths, they had been silenced. We all started to run to the truck to get out of here, I noticed that Dom was limping behind everyone, so I slowed down to help him, "come one, when we get to the truck u can clam down, but you need to try and move a little faster" I said trying to hurry him up because the silencers were shooting at us.
We finally got back to the truck, bear started to in-silence the new members and I asked Dom what happened as I rolled up him trouser leg "baby, this looks bad" I said as I started to clean up him bullet wound, luckily it wasn't too deep that I couldn't get it out on the truck but it was still bad enough for him to lose a lot of blood, as I pulled the bullet out of his leg, he started to whine and tried to pull away "baby, clam down it's almost out, it's gonna be ok" I said trying to calm him down, he still hadn't said anything but I could tell he was disappointed in him self, he had planed to get more than 5 people out but I guess he wasn't able to, once I had finished I cuddled up to him and he started to fall asleep, I kissed the top of his head before I fell asleep as well.
What a day.

Hope you like it 🖤🖤

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