Chapter 16

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It's been a few days since my fall and since we met everyone, I've been getting along with everyone and even met this boy called jake, now before you say anything we are only friends nothing more. Dom and Ashley have been getting along , rather well, but what can I say she is a beautiful girl. Also they are making a song together so I guess they would be talking a lot about that, but She gives me weird vibes, oh well I'll just have to be careful.

Today we have a meet up about our first fight with the silencers, and who is going to save people from the prison that they are kept in, because some of the people don't get killed, just silenced and bear has the tools to unsilence them.
Dom woke up earlier than me today, he usually wakes me up if he has to go somewhere but he hasn't this time, I guess he was just in a rush and just left quickly, but I know that the meeting was at one and there was no training today because it was a rest day, see every 5 days we have a rest day to make it easier because all of this work out stuff can get hard and it can be bad for us so we need to rest.

While I was waiting around I texted Katie to see if she wanted to come hang out with me before the meeting but she told me that her and Adam were going out on a walk for a bit, I also asked the girls but they were all busy, so the last person I texted was jake and guess what he was also busy, god why was everyone busy today?. After sitting around for 10 minutes on my own I decided to go on a walk around the camp and see if there was anywhere I could just hang out for a bit.
After walking around for about 20 minutes I got to the cafe at the back of the camp, I've only ever been to this cafe once and it was the other night when me and Katie couldn't sleep so we walked over here. I decided to get a cup of tea and go on my phone for a bit, while I was sitting there I realised that Ashley was standing by one of the tents with the weapons in them, but she wants alone, but I couldn't see who it was. I didn't want to get involved because she is a grown woman and I am a 19 year old who dropped out of school so like yea she is probably fine, but I couldn't help watch everything that was going on, after staring for about 20 minutes I realised that I could now see that the person she was with looked a little like Dom but I wasn't Sure and I didn't want to assume things so I just kept watching from a distance. I soon decided to just let them be and stop staring so I played in my phone for about 10 minutes while looking up every few moments to see if they were still there, when I looked up a last time I saw Ashley pull the boy into a kiss, the boy looked shocked from what I could see, before she pulled away and they both walked off, the boy walking off in a different direction.
Although I didn't completely know if this boy was Dom he sure did look like him a lot from the distance I was at and I couldn't help but feel hurt, but I didn't want to confront Dom about it because if it wasn't him I would just seem like I was being nosey so I just left it, still feeling hurt from this

After the situation at the cafe I went back up to the cliff that I was at on the first training day, I just sat there, looking out onto the blue sea, and the clouds in the sky and just tried to calm myself down before the meeting.

At 12:45 I decided to make my way back to the camp to be on time for the meeting, I really hoped that I got to go out on this mission because I have been working really hard and it will also take my mind off this whole Ashley situation, when I got to the campfire everyone was already sat at the benches and waiting for Dom and bear to show up, so I sat by katie "hey girl" she said while hugging me "hi" I said back sounding a little sad "what's wrong (y/n)?" " it's nothing, I'll take to u about it after the meeting" I looked at her with a serious look before I heard bear talking, he was reading out the list of the people who were going out on the first mission
"Me, Dom , Billie, Jessie, Luca, Charlie and Adam will be going out the the mission to save the rest of the troops that will be joining and everyone who will be fighting, your names should be on the board" he said before walking up to Dom, when I saw Dom he looked a little sad, but I don't know why, maybe it could be because he doesn't like fighting, but I'll talk to him late about that. As I walked up to the board I saw that all of the girls names were on it and even some people who don't even work hard in training , but mine wasn't on the board, I got very annoyed at this because I wanted to help out, I wanted to be side by side with Dom and Katie on the battle field for there first fight but no, I have to stay here and do what, train more, I know I shouldn't have gotten that annoyed at this but I did so instead of staying for the ready of the meeting I went back to mine and doms bunker and went to bed because I just needed to sleep at this point because I am so stressed about everything.


I'm sorry I'm bad at updating but I hope you like how this is going// also I am on a 4 hour bus ride to London tomorrow so I will try and past some more chapters

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