Chapter 24

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I woke up in a dark room with only one exit, which was locked, I didn't remember much about what happened all I know is that I went looking for Dom and got knocked out, then I woke up here.
I need to get out of here and make sure that everyone is okay and also make sure that Dom wasn't caught, after all he was one of the main people the elders were after in the first place.

I tried banging on the door for some reason, that never works of course, but maybe if I made enough noice the people outside would open the door and give me a chance, so that's what I was going to do.
I could here people talking out side of my door in between the banging they were talking about someone but I couldn't work out who so I stoped banging to listen, they said were saying something about a boy, with pink and black hair, Dom!
After I worked out they were talking about Dom I started making as much noice as I could so that they would open the door, after about 10 minutes someone opened the door causing me to be sent across the room, when I looked up I saw a tall man with black hair and blue eyes, he had a short blackish grey beard and he was wearing blue jeans and a black leather jacket. "Who are you?!" I spat at him trying to seem confident, which I was not at all. "Well, well, well, you are feisty aren't you, how about we make a deal, seems as you will be staying here for a while, if you stop making so much noice, I will move you into a bigger room with a bed, if not you can just stay here, and sleep on the floor" he spoke back to me, I didn't want to go with him because I didn't trust him but I thought that if I was out of this room I would be able to get away, "I'll come with you if you tell me your name" I spoke back to him. He looked at me for a moment before speaking, "well my names Negan, what's yours?" He said as he kneeled down and lifted my chin to look at him, I pulled my face away before speaking "well, Negan, I'm y/n" I said back in a nice voice, I was trying to get on his good side to find out more about him and if he knew where Dom was.

He moved me into a different room and I learned that he was the elders main helper and that he was tracking dom, he obviously didn't know that I was close to Dom because otherwise he wouldn't have told me this, but at least I know who I need to take down before leaving here. When I got to the room I was left on my own, negan told me that he would bring me food and water in a while, which gave me time to plan an escape.

I'm the room there was a small window which looked like it would be too small for me to fit through but it was worth the try, but when I tried pushing it open it was locked, so I had to think of something else and quick.
Then I thought of it, there was a long pole in the room which was part of the bed, I could use my button on my jacket to unscrew it and use it, so thats what I did.

I waited by the door for someone to come back. After five minutes Negan opened the door and I hit him with the pole, his body fell the the ground but I caught his just a little to make less for a sound. I then ran out of the room and down the hall way where the room that I was first put in was,  by that room was a big door that looked like it lead into a big hall or something, so I thought that if the elders where anywhere they would be there.

I kept running down the hall and knocking out any silencers that I saw. When I got to the door I was hesitant to open the door but I knew this was my only hope in finding Dom so I opened it.

Now I know I could die doing this but I would do anything if it means the people I love are safe, so if I have to sacrifice myself for them then I will.

When I opened the door, I saw the elders, sitting on chairs on A stage as is if they owned the world, there were a few people kneeling in front of them but I couldn't quite tell who it was. As soon as they saw me by the door someone started dragging me up next to the people who I could now see that it was a few people from my group including Dom and bear. When Dom saw me he smiled slightly, but then one of the elders gripped his chin and faced him forward. Then the main elder started talking "well, seems as you have killed so many of our people, we must make you suffer, who is the leader here?" Dom raised his head and looked at them, not saying a word, "oh you must be Yungblud then, am I right? Well I guess your the one we want and your the one that we will take" and with that Dom was being dragged away screaming and trying to get back to us, as this was happening I stood up and ran to him hitting the person who was dragging him, causing the mad to drop Dom.
Dom started fighting with me along with the rest of the people who were with us from our group. We kept fight until a gun was fired, which caused us all to stop and turn around, seeing that one of the elders had killed one of our Group, then he started shouting "YOU GIRL, HAVE CAUSED A LOT OF TROUBLE AND NOW WHAT HE ID GOING TO GO THROUGH WILL BE A LOT WORSE THAT WHAT IT WAS GOING TO BE, NOW YOU BETTER SAY YOUR LAST WORDS TO HIM BEFORE HE LEAVES, FOR GOOD" he screamed while looking at me and pointing to dom, "Take me, instead of him, please just don't hurt him" I said as I looked from Dom back to the elder I heard Dom try to argue with me but I told him to stop. The elder stood there while deciding before speaking "no, I don't want you, I want him, even if it is so I can kill him but I will make sure that you get something of this before he goes" he said while laughing and walking up to Dom before placing his hand in Dom's hair and ripping some of it out, Dom winched in pain and I stood up to run to him but instead being pushed back the the floor. The elder walked back to me and put the chunk of Dom's hair in my hand laughing evily before clicking his fingers.

Dom was dragged out of one door and I was dragged out of another, I stared at Dom crying, he was crying as well "I love you baby girl" was the last thing I heard him say before I was dragged out into a van and dropped off back at the camp.

I cried that whole night and locked myself in my bunker knowing that I would never see Dom again.

He was gone......



THIS IS NOT OVER YET. But this part is, I decided that I am going to make a sequel just so I can use a new title for it cuz this title fits well with the story line so I will be starting that tomorrow hopefully (no promises we all know how bad I am at uploading things) but yes I will let y'all know what it's up

Also if any of y'all know where negan is form I bless you with ever lasting hope because he is one of the best.

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