Chapter 11

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I woke up to Dom cuddled up to me , I smiled to myself, how could I be with such a perfect boy, "morning,luv" Dom said as he pulled me closer to him "morning, what's the plans today then?" I asked " well we got to meet up with everyone and start training, Also more people will be showing up soon" "ok well we better get up and get ready then because it's like 1pm" I said while looking at my phone "yea, imma jump in the shower" he said running toward the bathroom, I just sat there on my phone waiting for him to get out.

As I sat there my thoughts started to get to me, memories of my brother, the fact that this had happened , I hated that we had to come all the way to Wales, I hated the fact that we all could die because of this and that I could lose everyone, as I was thinking I started to cry, I didn't realise that Dom alias walked back into the room and saw me crying until I felt his arms wrap around me "hey, I know you don't like this, but it's ok, your going to be safe, I will make sure of it" he said as he kissed the top of my head " it's not me I'm scared about Dom, it's you , Katie, Adam, Michael, Tom and everyone else, I don't want to lose you all, and I don't want you getting hurt" I said back crying more "baby, we will be fine, I promise you, and I also promise that I will not leave your side throughout this" he said holding me close to him, I started to calm down, I felt safe with him.

After about 5 minutes of sitting with Dom and then showering I got ready and went out into the main area of camp where everyone was meeting up, I saw Katie talking to some girls so I walked up by her "hey Katie" "hey, y/n meet the girls, Jessie, Chelsea, brooke and Lucy" she said while pointing towards them "hey, nice to meet you" I said while shaking their hands " we are all in the same team for training" Chelsea said as she looked to the board that the boys had just finished setting up, first we had to go down to workout cuz that's what everyone started off with to keep us fit during this, there were three sessions, then lunch, then two more sessions everyday.

We all went and got changed for workout, as I walked into mine and Doms bunkers there was a note on the bed "hey, I had to go with the boys to get the rest of the groups from the airport, I tried to text you but there was no signal, have fun be safe, I'll be back soon, I love you ~ Dom" I was a little sad that I couldn't see him right now but I guess I'll just focus on today's sessions.

After getting ready I met up with Katie and the girls and started to walk workout, I learned that Chelsea liked Micheal, Jessie was into Tom and brooke had a girlfriend who was taken by the silencers on there way here, brooke was more of a quite girl like Katie but I'm sure that we will get her rough side out of her in a few weeks, Katie had also started to become more confident, I think her being with Adam has helped a lot, he just better not hurt her or I will personally stab him in the knee.

When we got to work out I realised that everyone was in one workout space, I was kinda self conscious at this point because there were a lot of people staring at me, also had a few of the creepy boys looking at me now and again but I just ignored them, after a while I told Katie I was going to get a drink, at the water fountain I felt someone behind me, I turned around to see one of the boys who were looking at me earlier, "hey, gorgeous" he spoke, his voice went through me " what?" I asked, I wasn't in the mood to deal with him "well that was rude, I was trying to be nice and maybe we could have been close" he said smirking "one I have a boyfriend, two I wouldn't want to get close with you, three fuck off before I drown u in the water fountain" I said just before I walked off, I laughed to myself because it was quite funny, I then when back to workout with the girls because we only had 10 minutes left before next session.

I am really bad at updating this 🙃

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