Chapter 14

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Today I am going with Dom to meet the new members joining us, but that wasn't until 1 so I decided to go to workout because I had nothing better to do with my life.
Dom would be joining my group for workout and all the sessions once everyone was here and settled down but for now he will only go to workout sessions.
I get out of bed and get ready for workout, Dom is still asleep so I just let him sleep while I went to jump in the shower, and Ik it's kinda pointless jumping in the shower then going to workout but oh well. After doing all my important stuff in the bathroom, I went to see if Dom was awake, which he was, "morning Dom" I said as I jumped onto the bed "morning baby" he said pulling me into a hug then laying down with me practically laying on him "did you sleep well?" I asked while staring into his emerald eyes , I swear his eyes are so hypnotising it's amazing, "yea I slept fine, how about you?" He asked before pecking my lips, "I slept good, I was warm all night" I said giggling, I only said the last part because all night I kept rolling away from him taking the blanket off him which he then pulled me into him and wouldn't let me go all night, "of course you did" he said bopping my nose giggling back at me.

We stayed like this for about ten minutes until Dom got a text, so I got up to find my phone to text Katie to see if she is awake to got workout before all the creepy people show up. As I was texting her I walked up to the kettle to make a cup of tea, "Dom, you want one?" I shouted back to him "yes please baby" he said as he walked behind me wrapping his arms around my waist and resting his head on my shoulder "you ready to meet some new people later?" He asked quietly "I'm a little nervous but I'm sure I'll be fine" I said turning my head towards him then kissing him on the cheek.

After me and Dom drank our tea we went to meet Adam and Katie because they were the only other people awake and wanted to come workout early so we all headed over to workout, Katie and Adam ran on ahead while me and Dom walked hand in hand to the work out hall. "I love you baby" Dom said smiling and facing me "I love you too baby" I said smiling back, he stared into my eyes then cupped my face with his hand, there I no where I would rather be right now even if we are on a training ground, but as long as I am with Dom I don't care where we are, he slowly leaned down and kissed me, the kiss was slow and loving, if felt like it lasted for hours but really it was only a few minutes, we both pulled away still looking each other in the eyes "yoohoo, love birds move now we have shit to do" Katie shouted at us from the door of the work out hall, me and Dom just laughed at her then carried on walking.

We all decided to just have a light workout today because it was still early and none of us had the effort to do much, so we all did a little running while having a chat about random stuff.

When everyone started walking in and working out me, Dom, Katie and Adam left to get ready to meet the new members of the groups. Me and Dom ran back to our bunker racing each other to get in the shower first, he was winning so I jumped onto his back causing him to fall on the foot outside the door of the bunker, I got up and ran into the bathroom locking the door giggling, then I heard Dom walk to the bathroom door "ya know, we could just shower together" he said , I knew he was smirking I could just tell " in your dreams, lover boy, but u can go get me a towel thanks" I said back, hearing him sigh, after two minutes he knocked on the door so I opens it and he handed me a towel "thanks baby" I said kissing him on the cheek then jumping in the shower quickly.

When I got out Dom ran to the bathroom screaming random shit "I've never seen someone so excited to get in the shower" I said giggling at him, "I have been sat there for twenty minutes all sticky and sweaty so I am very exited for this shower,love" he said back to me giggling as well.

While he was in the shower I decided to get changed and wait for him to get out to go meet up with bear, Tom, Micheal and the new members.

Hey I would just like to say thank you to everyone who is reading this and commenting on this, it means a lot, for example I was reading something earlier and I got a notification of someone commenting that that likes it and I lowkey cried for a few seconds cuz I am so thankful x🖤

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