Chapter 6

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Sunday 15th December -


I woke up in my bed at Dom's house, I don't remember going to bed though, someone must have carried me up here. I look at my phone and it's 3:45am "ugh, why do I always wake up so early?" I said to myself, I decided to go down stairs to get a drink. I got to the kitchen and started to look for a cup because I didn't know where anything was, "where are the cups?!" I groaned to myself thinking I was alone "top left" a low voice spoke, I jumped and turned around to see who it was, Dominic, god he is so cute even at 4 in the morning. "can't sleep?" he asked, I nodded as I took a sip of my water. "same here, wanna watch a movie for a bit?" he asked with a small smile, "sure" I replied smiling back at him as we walked into the living room.
I sat on the sofa as Dom put on a movie and got the only blanket left because Katie took on and Michael took the other. We both sat under the blanket laughing at how close Katie and Adam had gotten in the last day. " they are definitely gonna get together" I said laughing "agreed, give them a week and they'd be together" he said laughing aswell. We kept going on about them both and didn't realize that we were both now cuddled up on the sofa watching Brooklyn nine nine. I looked up at Dom and smiled to myself, he is so cute, but he could never fall for someone like me, I still don't know why he let me and Katie stay here, "Dom?" I asked "yea?" he looked down to me " why did you let Ma and Katie stay here, I mean we could have stayed in a hotel" "well, because I wanted to make sure you both were safe and I know that the silencers won't find you both here because me, Adam and Michael have been staying here for 3 years and haven't been found"he said while pulling me closer to him "I just want you to be safe, I don't want to see two of my friends get hurt"he smiled to me, I smiled back then looked back at the tv.
It was peaceful and relaxing just me and Dom watching tv, somehow we are now watching spongebob which to be honest it's amazing. I can see Dom looking at me every now and then "would you like to.. Um uh .. Go out uh later?" he asked nervously, why would be be nervous like he said we were just friends..... right? "Sure I'd love to" I rely smiling up at him then turning back to the tv. I felt him pull me closer to him more so I wrapped my arm around his torso and smiled. I was happy in this moment, I felt safe for the first time in a long time. This felt right, like we were meant to be together, god this sounds like every wattpad fanfic ever, but it's true. I think I like Dom a lot.



Yo so I wasn't gonna update today but my bestie Katie started to read it and wanted me to update so I did hope yall like it probs gonna be forced to update more now :)

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