Chater 18

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I ran until I got to the next camp down, I didn't know if they would let me in, I also didn't have anything other than my phone which I had turned off because I kept getting phone calls off everybody, but I didn't want to answer them because I was hurt, Dom hurt me because he kissed her, and Ashley hurt me because she knew that I was with him and still kissed him, but that's over now so I guess it doesn't matter right. I just hope that this camp will let me stay for a while.

Doms PoV
As I was standing out side mine and y/n's bunk I saw Ashley coming up to me, I didn't really want to see her right now, but I wasn't going to be rude so I just said hello "hey, Dom" she said to me as she got closer to me "hey, ash" I said while looking away to see where y/n was, is I looked off to the fire pit I felt a hand on my chin, then I found myself looking at Ashley, she then kissed me, again, I was shocked at this and pushed her off me, as soon as I backed up I looked back to the fire pit to see y/n running off, she obviously saw that and didn't know what was going on, "WHY WOULD YOU DO THAT AGAIN, I TOLD YOU THIS MORNING THAT I LOVE Y/N AND NOT YOU" I screamed at ash before running to find y/n, but I couldn't find her anywhere, so I tried to ring her, it rang twice before going to voicemail so I kept trying but every time it went to voicemail, So I rang Adam to see if he could get hold of her but she wouldn't pick up for him or Katie, I need to find her, I need to tell her what happened, I need to say sorry, but how can I when I can't find her and she won't answer.

Y/n PoV

Once I got to the gate of the new camp the guards came up to me asking what I was doing all alone, I made up a lie telling them that I had escaped the silencers and I had nowhere to go, so they let me in, they also told me that I would have to share a bunk with a girl called polly, which I was fine with.
When I got to the bunker, polly was on her bed, she looked at me and smiled then went back to what she was doing, I just sat down and turned my phone on, I got multiple notifications as soon as it turned on, making polly look at me "looks like someone what's to get hold of you" she said with a slight giggle while walking over to my bed, "yea.... i guess" I said emotionlessly, I wanted to cry but I didn't like crying In front of people I don't know, polly could see that I was hurt "hey, what's wrong?" She said concerned "well, I didn't actually escape the silencers, I ran away from my old camp, because my boyfriend is the leader and well ............... I saw him kissing this girl twice, and I just couldn't stay there so I ran" I said as I started to cry, polly just pulled me into her and hugged me, "hey it's ok, he is the one who should be upset because he has lost someone like you, now I know I don't know you but you already seem like such a loving girl" she said while looking into my eyes, then my phone rang again, this time it was Katie, so I answered
K- "hey, finally, where you too we are all worried sick?
Y/n- " don't tell Dom or andantes where I am because I don't what anyone coming to get me, but im in the next camp down, because I couldn't stay there after that, he kissed her again
K- "y/n, why would you just run away like that, you scared us all, I have to tell Dom where you are y/n, he need to know that you are ok"
Y/n- if you tell him I'll just move, I don't care at the moment Katie, he hurt me and I don't want to see him, you can tell him I'm fine and don't want to talk to him at the moment, goodbye."
With that I hung up the phone, now Katie is being like that, god why does this have to happen to me.
I started to cry more and prolly hugged me again making sure I was okay, "hey it's ok, I'll make sure that they don't see you until you are ready to talk to them" she said comforting me, I just smiled and nodded.
After about an hour I decided to read Doms texts that he sent me
D- y/n, I'm so sorry, it's not what it looked like, she kissed me.
D- please baby, answer the phone, please tell me your okay
D- baby I love you so much, please don't leave me for this, I can explain what happened
D- please baby girl, please at least tell me your okay, you don't have to talk to me until you what to just please tell me your okay.
D- please.

I know I should at least say that I'm fine, but I guess Katie would have told them that I'm ok so I guess I'll just leave them for now, Adam also texted me so I guess I'll read them as well
A- y/n, please answer, we are all worried,
A- Dom is so worried about you, he is ripping himself apart because of this, at least let him know that you okay.
As I was reading them he texted me again
A- Katie said that you answered, and she told me where you are but you don't want us to pick you up, I understand, also Dom don't know where you are he just knows that you are ok, but he is on the urge of hurting someone, or himself because of this, please text me if you want us to pick you up.
Y/n- hey ad, please tell Dom not to hurt himself, I know that he hurt me but I don't want him to hurt himself, and I will text you in a few days.
I guess that Dom feels bad, but I can't just go back to him now, and I also thank katie for not telling him, just as I finished texting Adam, Dom texted me again,
D- Adam told me that you texted him, baby I am so so so sorry for what you saw, I didn't want it to happen, I love you and would never try and hurt you, but I know that is has hurt you, and I am sorry, please just don't get hurt while you are away, and please text me soon, I love you🖤.

Y/n- I'm fine and yea it hurt, but oh well, I'll text you in a few days x😔.

I know that he hurt me but I still love him, so I can't leave him forever , ill go back soon and talk to him, but for now it's time to sleep


I guess y'all get an update today

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