𝙘𝙝𝙖𝙥𝙩𝙚𝙧 𝙨𝙞𝙭

696 35 8


The bright light coming from my window woke me up. I yawned and covered my eyes. I started to stretch my arms and curl my toes before standing up to get ready to start my day.

I went to the bathroom to take a bath, afterwards I did a small skin care routine then I opened my luggage to pick the clothes I'll be wearing.

Since it's winter in Nami, I wore a flowy dress, thick coat and paired it wih black ankle boots with a slight of heel.

I took out my small body bag to carry some important things like cellphone, wallet, earphones and keycard.

This is actually my first time going to tourist spots all by myself usually Wendy would accompany me.

I decided to take my breakfast to one of the most famous cafè of Nami. When I entered tha café, the waiter approached me and asked for my order.

I found peace when I was eating my breakfast infront of a pretty scenery of the ocean, my hot chocolate made the feeling and experience much more better.

While walking my way to the nearest tourist spots, there were so many interesting and fascinating things to see. The salty smell coming from the sea and the breezy wind is somewhat refreshing and very different from the polluted air of Seoul.

I can't stop smiling at everything  I saw.
Though it was cold I didn't think of it as a hindrance.

I bought a ticket for a tour bus in Petite France at  Gapyeong. I settled myself on one of the seats inside the bus. Even though I don't have anyone with me I was still excited. The bus started to ascend and I suddenly felt my phone vibrating.

Jungkook calling...


[Where are you?] He asked, slightly shouting.

"In Gyeongi. Why?"

[Huh? Why are you there?]

"To have my vacation, of course. I don't want to miss the opportunity of visiting places and enjoying myself "

The line became silent for a few seconds, I thought the call ended but then I heard him sigh.

[Did you eat already?]

"Yes, I did."

[Alright, enjoy.]

After he ended the call I focused my attention on the scenery behind the windows of this bus.


The driver stopped the bus, that's were I realized that we are already in Petite France. A french style themed park located at the midst of Gapyeong.

It's vintage look is very captivating and aesthetic. Petite France has many cafes, museums, puppets and known for it's beautiful and attracting lights every night.

I held the strap of my bag and walked towards the entrance of the place. Happy, positive vibes and small colorful houses welcomed me.

I smiled when I saw couples and family enjoying and taking pictures. I also took some pics for memories.

I saw a huge crowd surrounding the man who is playing some puppets. I came closer to see the show and I didn't noticed that I was fond of watching it.

After that I went to a cafè, to try some of their menus. The cafe has a nice view and has a relaxing vibe.

I ordered a cappuccino, strawberry and mango flavored macaroons. I was interupted from my daydreaming when my phone vibrated again.

Dad calling...

"Hi Dad."

[Hello how's your vacation with Jungkook?]

He's voice is cold, as always. I bit my lips at his question. He's still hoping that me and Jungkook would eventually feel comfortable with each other.

"Uhm fine and exciting."

[I'm glad that you're enjoying your vacation.]

"Yeah it's kind of sad that you and mom are not here, this place would be more fantastic to me if you're both here." I said sadly, I mentally scolded my self I don't want dad to think that I'm sad but at the same time I also wanted him to feel that I'm feeling miserable and tired of this situation.

[Don't worry we'll visit that place again, just enjoy your stay so it won't be a waste.]

I sighed. "Of course, bye dad."

I sipped at my cup and looked at the view again when I noticed that our conversation changed the mood.

I hope one day this cruel contract would finally be done. I finished eating what I ordered and left the place.

After roaming around Petite France for five hours the tour bus fetched us. They gave us couple minutes to go to the convenience store or restroom so we won't feel unconfortable later on during the ride.

I went inside the convenience store. I bought some candies, water and chips so I have something to eat whenever I stayed inside the hotel room to finish some reports.


After the long and tiring ride I'm finally back at Nami hotel. I straightly went to my room to get change. I got the feeling of wanting to have my dinner at the restaurant of this hotel.

I was ready to enter the elevator when I saw Jungkook and Minhi also leaving their room.

I kept my eyes in front, pretending that I didn't saw them later on the elevator doors opened, I stepped inside so is Jungkook and Minhi.

Well this is kinda awkard...

When the elevator doors opened I was the first one who departed it. I walked calmly till I reach the restaurant.

The waiter welcomed and accompanied me. When my order came I quietly began eating my dinner.

The atmosphere of the place is very relaxing and enjoyable. The cold air carresed my skin good thing I chose to wear thick clothes.

I was sipping on my wine when I suddenly saw Jungkook walking towards me. I thought he's just going to pass by me but I was startled when he sat in front of me.

"What the f uck?" I whispered. What does he think he's doing?

"Is it okay if I sit here?"

"Huh? I-I mean y-yeah it's fine."

Now I'm curious where did Minhi go. I was looking at him from time to time while sipping on my wine. His eyes were just roaming around the venue.

We became silent for a while but then a waiter approached us.

"Uhm you want me to take a picture for you." My eyes widened and stared at the waiter. I was about to decline when Jungkook gave his phone.


Now I'm sure that my heart is rapidly beating for unknown reasons.

"Wait--" My protest wasn't heard because I was dumbfounded when Jungkook's arms are over my shoulder.

"Smile love,"


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