The tour

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Remus and Roman gazed at the new kid. He wasn't wearing the uniform, or he was wearing half of it. As it appeared he had replaced the blazer with a hoodie. This hoodie was a charcoal grey and it looked faded and loose. He had dark brown hair with a purple shimmer to it. Like he had dyed it and the colour lingered there, giving it a glow of colour.

He had dark brown eyes that looked deep and full of melancholy and thought. They seemed to shimmer as the light hit them, making it have a golden hue.
Virgil was sickly pale with large bags under his eyes, that were further pronounced by his make-up. Part of the makeup was subtle like the foundation, but the eyeshadow was extremely obvious and most likely against the school rules.

Roman and Remus suddenly realised they had been silent and transfixed on Virgil's appearance that they didn't talk for about 2 minutes. They suddenly sprung back into action quickly showing Virgil around the school - Remus passing him the file.

They walked around the school, looking into classrooms and explaining shortcuts, when the bell for second period rang.
"What have I got now?" Inquired Virgil, looking through his file confused.
"Science." Roman replied, forming a large smile formed on his face as he winked at Virigl.
Virgil didn't seem bothered by Roman's flirty under tone and continued talking like it didn't happen. "Which classroom?"

"It's Sc-2a, which is floor two, classroom A of the science block." Remus answered, "I've got the same class as you, want to go together?"
Virgil looked quite stunned by this answer, looking at Remus' scruffy appearance, he didn't seem like the type of person to be considerate, rather someone who would prank you.
Only later would he find out it was both.

When they got to the science classroom, Virgil was seatted in the back row next to Patton.
Patton looked completely hyper and excited that the new kid was sitting next to him. So he swiftly got out his diary and speedily started writing.

"Dear Diary,
The new kid rumour is true! There is a new kid. And he's sitting next to me in class! I can't believe this! Maybe I could even ask him to come sit with me at lunch, depends if he likes me or not. Good thing I brought an extra cookie!
Talk to you later diary, Patton."

Once Patton out his diary away he started talking to an uncomfortable lookin Virgil. "Hi, what's your name?"
"Virgil..." He meekly replied, as he fiddled with his sleeves.
"So, why did you come to this town?"
"I'd rather not say..."
"That's okay, whatever makes you feel comfortable, so, where did you live?"
"What's it like there?"
"It's smelly, foggy, crowded, filled with crime and large dull buildings." Complained Virgil. "It's so much nicer here. Less people and they are friendlier, lots of green space and the building are pleasant to look at. I can actually breath as well!"

Patton took a moment to digest the information, before Virgil asked Patton about himself.

"I'm kinda boring. I've never left this village, and I really want to see the world and help other people. I like to bake cookies and I have an older brother and I have two dogs and a turtle. Also I'm called Patton!" He explained as he shook Virgil's hand.
"Have you got any siblings or pets?" Patton asked.

"Meh, I'm an only child and I have a pet snake and a pet spider..."

That was the last thing Virgil said before Patton burst out screaming.

Clearly the pet spider was a conversation for another day.

"The New Kid".        Sander Side FanficWhere stories live. Discover now