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pattons_onsie I wanna beat the limit. I wanna make the angstiest shit possible.

Trigger warning for:

Graphic imagery.
Implied rape.
My shit writing.
Probably tears.

Sorry in advance.

He wearily opened his eyes as he was awakened to the sound of screams.
Nothing out of the ordinary then...

He stood up, leaning on the wall as he did so.
They did it harder then usual...

He stumbled over to the door. Trying to see out of his dead eyes, that looked like glass from afar.
Deader than usual I see...

His head and hips swayed with the breeze and he rested on his fits at the door.
Yet it still wouldn't budge...

He felt the friction from the ropes gash across his sickly flesh. It was a thin veil that covered near to nothing.
Nothing important anyway...

He pressed all of his weight onto the door. It simply stood as strong as before.
A merge push is all he could do...

It towered of him like they did...
Like everyone did...

Remus tried and tried.

Until his felt his tears roll and roll.

They felt like acid upon his cheeks, leaving a path as they ran.
Ran down his debilitated face. Running for whatever hope he was still clutching on too.

He saw his clothing, in a pile on the ground, too far for him to reach.
He saw his hope, in a pile on the ground, too far for him to reach.
He saw his blood, in a pile on the ground, too much for him to care.

He grasped his head as it throbbed. Like his body ached. A slow. Plodding pain... That spiked like knives.

Knives impaling Remus as his body was hung. The blood seeping down as the blade was forced further into his guts. Leaving them kind of inside out.
Kind of thrown around on the floor.

He felt his throat burn. Too painful to scream again. There was no point anyway...

And then it happened...

The memories flashed before his eyes.

"Again. Again!" He screeched, Dio's voice echoed. Engulfing the air. Into a thick. Bloody. Silence...

"MAYBE YOU WOULDN'T BE SO USELESS IF SOMEONE BEAT THE SENSE INTO YOU?!?" He grinned as cracks of his belt went again.




Until he reached blood again.




"I don't know how much more I this I can take..."




Each whip getting louder and louder. Harder and harder. As Dio caressed the boy's spine, foundling with each individual part. Like it would be soon on his...
Framed on his wall like a prize...




"Anything to say for yourself Re Re?"

"Yeah... Next time can you aim a bit to the left, I've got a particular itch there, but I can't reach it..."

"Oh Re Re..."



"You've always been... Persistent..."


"How are we going to get it out of you~?"
"Are we going have to use... Other methods?"

Remus felt two pairs of hands hold his struggling, as another grabbed him waist. He felt his skin go black and blue. Being bent and beaten into shape.

Dio went behind Remus, stroking his freezing skin. Not even the heat of Dio's breath could make him warm.

"Dio..." Remus called as Dio kissed his lower back.

"D-Dio. W-What a-a-are you d-doing-g?" He whispered, as the man contained you to spoke, his finger getting lower and lower as he went.

"D-d-dio-o. S-Stop p-p-please?" He asked as Dio undid the button on his trousers.

"Shhhh... It will all be over soon~"

"Dio. Stop. Please!" The desperation thickened the air, being drowned out by the laughter of the other two.

"DIO! STOP! I C-CAN'T! N-N-NO! PLEASE. Hit me all you want, beat me until I'm j-just a pump. Please anything but this!" Remus cried.

"Shhhh... It will all be over soon~" He replied again, pulling down his jeans.

"No! Never! Not to you. I can't! I WON'T, I COULD NEV-"

Remus remembered being lay on the floor afterwards.
Blood pouring from every hole imaginable.
He felt this self rock in pain as he rolled onto his side, looking out, out through a window.

The sun was blazing as he heard people joyfully playing.

At least some people got to be happy...

"The New Kid".        Sander Side FanficWhere stories live. Discover now