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This part isn't in the story...

I'll continue to write this story... but my Inspiration has chucked it's self out of a form of window...

I'll try and be quick with this, basically, suggestions.

Can ya give me some suggestions that I can use as inspiration so I can write... I have like... A few paragraphs already written. So I'll add it here so you don't feel sad because you read this chapter for no reason.

Thanks mate!


The foot steps of Roman and Dee thundered down the hall - in a somewhat elephant like way. The lights flicked once, and the stoped  momentarily. But of course the darkness still surrounded the halls ways as they continued to lumber.

Deciet kept his hand cemented on the wall, dragging it along as he did his feet. Roman was meandering next to him, fidgeting with his hands. Making it seem like he had made a single player version of a sailor went to sea.

"Dee..." Roman began, trying to calm down the intense game between his hands. "Why aren't we friends..."

"Huh? That came out of nowhere. You feeling good?" Deciet asked, his eyes still locked on the ground.

"Well... Ya know...The incident did some shit to us... We used to be buddies. Sure, I may have hated you for a bit. But you seem cool. That party with Patton was fun! I'm glad he invited you!"

"He didn't..."


"Patton didn't invite me, Virgil did... Patton didn't invite either Remus or me. But didn't argue when we climbed through the bathroom window... He's just too polite I guess..." Dee mumbled, fiddling with his ear rings, trying to avoid eye contact.

"Oh, thought it was odd that you were there!" Roman chuckled, trying to lighten the mood. And failing to do so.

"I guess some people just aren't met to be friends..."

"The New Kid".        Sander Side FanficWhere stories live. Discover now