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Roman handed him the map and simply smiled, a type of organic smile that made you feel a bit fuzzy inside. And Virgil's face went from a pale as the dead to as red as a tomato.

And then the bell went.

Virgil only wished he could have been save by the bell.

But as said and done, everyone kind of ignored what happened. Or Virgil tried to wish that they were in fact probably whispering the events that took place.

After that wink, Virgil stumbled back in shock, causing him to bump into the neighbouring bench, causing a few dished to fall off and him to get macaroni and cheese all over his hands. After realising that, he ran to the bathroom, after tripping gave forward into Roman, getting macaroni on him and then continually apologizing. Finally Virgil ran and hid in the bathroom until the bell went.

So Virgil finally came out of his cave of shame, knowing that that's all the class would be talking about.

While this was all happening Dee and Logan were already in class talking about Remus.
"He likes Virgil..."
"Definitely, there is no arguments about that. Though I believe it may be one sided pinning."
"Yeah... That's not going to be good for Remus is it? Like he just recovered from the 'incident'..."
"I do not know why we keep referring to this as the 'incident'?"
"Because it's easier then to the full name."
There conversation abruptly stopped as they saw people enter the class. The first being Patton, with his small group of friends. Then Roman with his crowd mindlessly following him and then Virgil trying to slip in without everyone noticing.

"Doesn't Virgil look really uncomfortable?" Dee asked.
"Indeed, he does. Especially as he has a reddish face - do you believe something happened?"
"Probably, I'll just talk to someone."
"Who? Dee, who will engage in conversation with you?"
"I don't like... Maybe Patton?"
"Patton? Even after the 'Incident', as you call it?"
"It doesn't matter okay!" Dee snapped, "That was a while ago, he shouldn't still be angry at me!"
"I doubt that. But you may try and reason with him anyway. I shall not stop you."

And with that, Dee stormed away from Logan and tried to reason with Patton.
"Hey Pat, what's up?" Dee asked, awkwardly 'finger-gunning' at Patton, who stared right at him, shuffling closer to his hoard of friends.
"He-ey Kiddo, what can I help you with?" Patton stuttered, try to act as calm and collected as possible.
"You know what happened to Virgil today?"
"Ermm, no, did something happen?"
"Cut the crap Patton!" Dee yelled, slamming a fist down in his desk "I know you don't like me, and I think that's fair, but what happened to Virgil?!?!"

At that point nearly shit himself in pure fear. Dee is usually kinds stoic, like Logan. But for some reason he was absolutely inraged.

"Dear Diary,
This is the first day in a long time I've felt this bad. I feel kinda sick and really scared, I don't know what Dee wants from me! The last thing I remember is that Virgil went to talk to Roman... Oh! That's it! I'll tell him about Roman!" Patton exclaimed, talking into his diary.
This happened so often there was no point in addressing the issue to Patton.

"Yeah, so, ermm, basically Virgil needed a map thingy to get to this class and ermmm had to get one?"
"Where did he get it Patton?"
"ALREADY FINE! He got it from Ro..."

Dee's heart sunk in his chest. Virgil talked to Roman at lunch - in front of all of his friends. And came in the class trying to be unseen and he was still blushing. "For f*cm sake, what did Roman do?"

"I don't know. Just leave me alone, okay..." Patton trailed off, years forming in his eyes. This was a signal for Dee to get the hell out of the situation asap. And so he did.

Deciet went and sat down next to Logan, his eyes still on Virgil, who uncomfortably sat, next to the wall - his eyes still facing the ground.

"Deciet, are you aware of what you've just done?"

"The New Kid".        Sander Side FanficWhere stories live. Discover now