5b was a hard question (The incident Pt 5)

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Remus felt his whole body ache and he walked home. His shoes soaked in the puddles as it continued to pour down. His socks were collecting water and his jacket was hooked on top of his head.

Today had been wank.

Wank, being a complete understatement.

His hands were still shaking as he tried to walk down the road, the cold raindrops rolling down his neck like his tears.

At least no-one could tell he was crying.

The streets were weirdly abandoned, he could see a few people, all hurrying with black umbrella's their faces being shaded from Remus.

He felt his knees get weaker as he tried to walk, stumbling, grabbing onto whatever he could to keep balance. His head was pounding as he tried to keep it level headed.

It was all his fault.

"I should have been safer. Why did I even go? It wasn't my fault... Maybe I did... Maybe it was... Makes sense... That's what they said when they... But- No. I'm being a drama queen again... It's my fault." Remus sighed, adjusting his coat as he continued to trudge through the heavy rain.

He eventually got back home, seeing Roman heated on a call, and his parents no where to be seen. He dropped his coat on the floor, and his bag, as he heard his phone screen shatter on the floor.

He slowly walked up the stairs, clinging to the handrail, as if it was the only thing he could trust.


"Hey Virgil," His dad called, up the stairs, "Start packing up!"

Virgil just groaned, he was moving in a few weeks, there was no need to pack this early. He slumped over and placed a fee things in an old swim bag and sat back on his bed. His dad was way to eager to move, not that their current house was shit.

Just everything else around it.

He scrolled through Tumblr, trying to find whatever he could to numb his brain. He'd hope to fall down a rabbit hole of make believe and not have be in this fucking world. With fucking people. With fucking circumstances.

He just wanted to escape.

To some world of make believe.



What? It's like, 3am, shouldn't you be sleep or studying or something.

Studying at this time was defeat the point.

Then what do you want???

Have you noticed anything perculiar with Remus?

Don't think so, I mean, he didn't touch his chicken nuggets.
I had to eat them.
Worth it.

This is serious Dee

Everything is serious to you Logan

He hasn't answered any of his messages

yeah that is odd

It says he hasn't been on any app for 13 hours.


the maximum he's ever gone is about 6, and that was sleeping.

Why don't you text him

Do you see what that's dumb?

cause he isn't answering his messages

exactly, so, how do we contact him?

Tomorrow at school?

It's a Friday

then we'll go over to his house tomorrow and talk

what time?

how about
2 ish

I am free then yes, shall I go to yours or his

now sleep,

goodnight Dee

Night Logan.


It was precisely 2 and Logan knocked on Dee's door.

"Greetings Dee, how are you?"

Dee rubbed his eyes, "Oh yeah, right, that thing, I totally remembered."

"I can see you're still wearing PJs"

Dee was wearing his PJs, with oversized slippers, and a worn down dressing gown, "I'll be 15 mintues, why don't you go, before me... you know, to scout it out, see what's happening, you know-"

"I do know. Now, get ready quickly."

"Fine." Deciet closed the door, as Logan walked off.


Hey Remus
Sorry if I'm bothering you
Just wanna come round to check some homework, and help you with it, because you're probably suck on question 5b as that's the one Dee struggled with as well. So, I'll be there is 5 mintues, please don't on PJs like Dee was.
See you soon.

Message not sent, please try again later.


Logan knocked on Remus' door, twiddling his fingers as he looked through the window. He knew it would be considered rude, but they were close friends.

"I'm sure they won't mind if I tap on their glass, the cars are there, so they should be home."

He walked over to the window, the curtains were wide open and Roman was spread out on a sofa eating cheese puffs. Rather messily if Logan was to say so.

Logan knocked on the glass, alerting Roman to open the door. And that he did.

Roman opened the door and had what could only be described, as a painful conversation with Logan.

"Um... Hi Logan... What ya doing here?"

"Looking for Remus, I'd assume he'd be in his own house, is he?"

"Yeah... I think so... Probably upstairs playing his Switch or something... idk, check for yourself man..."

"Then may I come in….?"

"Yeah, oh, yeah, sure, take your shoes off..." Roman felt a wave of cringe as he remembered what he was like to Logan before.

"Also Logan... I released I was a bit of a... bitch before... sorry for that, and I hope... we can be chill... or whatever."

Before he noticed that that apologize was to the air, as Logan has already gone upstairs, half way through Roman's speech.

"Welp, I tried."

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 15, 2020 ⏰

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