Yeet Ur Sanity in the bin already

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~Shit we got in this chapter~

Violence ✓
Gore ✓
Graphic imagery ✓
Panic attack ✓
Remus being a precious boi ✓
Abandonment issues ✓
Platonic Creative Siblings ✓
Depressed author ✓

Not enough angst??? Idk you decide after reading it!

And there went the last bell.

The day had ended and Virgil meandered out with Roman to try and find Remus.

"Anyway, want to tell me what happened? It can't be a coincidence that you get injured and them Remus doesn't go to any of this classes.. I mean... He could have gone to Iso."


"Yeah, it is basically isolation. You're not isolated tho. Which is weird. Basically, because the school thinks you're a 'threat' and yeah. It's weird. Other people are there... So it don't really isolated..."

The colour in Romans face began to drop when he realised....
Remus had... A thing.... Let's say...

That had to do with the main people in iso...

Flashback brought to you by my sad ass best friend~

It was a Thursdays and they had had their normal lessons. P.E, English, Science, Drama and Spanish.

This was before the 'incident' had happened so everyone was friends. A few arguments here and there but nothing too major.

Remus want in any of his classes. Roman and Patton went to ask where he had gone. And Mrs Whittington simply smiled and replied; "On. You'll see him later!" And she hurried them off to class

Roman seemed oddly suspicious about this... Patton seemed to believe the teacher though. Patton believes nearly everyone.

The day had finished and Roman was looking around for Remus... He didn't attend any of his classes, or tutor. And he asked Dee and Logan. No of whom said they had seen him.

Trying not to disturb any of the teachers he roamed around the dull corridors. He heard the calls of the choir club and the basketball team - echoing around... And yet still no Remus...

Roman walked around for what felt like hours.

Every sharp breath felt like he was being stabbed by thousands apon thousands of needles.


Painful needles.

But it didn't matter anyway. Roman just needed to find Remus.

As soon as he got down to the West wind, his mum phoned him to come home. Her voice sounded hoarse and coarse. And weird.
Nothing in particular.

Just off putting...

And so he did. He beguiling went home whilst wallowing in sadness.

When he finally got home - his mums were nowhere to be seen. He only heard the soft sound of tears being sprinkled down. Softly falling...

Roman was curious...
And worried...

Was one of his mother's crying?
Maybe something really did happen to Remus...

He carefully tiptoed up stairs. Each footstep mirroring the tears pattering onto the ground. Roman felt shivers fall down his spine as he stumbled through, his socks running against the wooden floor boards.

Until he misstepped.
His foot didn't so glide on the creaky floor board, but rather... Direct impact.

The sounds of cried abruptly stopped.

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