Lunch time pt. 2

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Virgil continued to sit with Patton as he blabbered on, only half listening and observing the hall. It was a cream colour with large windows like a church, and a small stain glass window at the front. There were large benches of tables made out of refurbished wood that everyone sat on. There were five in total, but it was clear on the friendship groups. People avoided each other like the plague - some groups were closer. But two groups in particular were far away from anyone else.
Remus' and Roman's.
"So Kiddo, what do you think?" Patton asked, nudging Virgil's arm to get his attention.
"Oh, umm, yeah, I... Th-... Like, yeah..." Virigl stuttered as everyone on the table looked at him in awe. He silently hung his head and looked at the food covered floor.
"Awwwwwwwwwww, Pat, youre friend is adorable."
"He's so cute! I love him!"
"He's too pure for this world!"

Virigl brought his head back up and looked around in utter confusion as people began their conversations up again. This is nothing like London. In London, if you stuttered youd probably get a fist to the face and one less friend. Or in Virgil's case, two fists to the face and one more punch to the stomach.

So Virgil being the anxious mess he was, began to look around for anyone who might not take well to his 'issues'. Patton's friends were fine. He knew romans friends would be less forgiving. And then he peered over to Logan and Dee. They were sitting by themselves,
"Odd," thought Virigl, "I wonder where Remus is?"

"AHHHHH REMUS GET OFF ME!" Roman yelled, still trapped in a headlock.
"C'mon Ro, don't be a ass, I need you're help!"
"What with?!?!" He squealed, nearly getting out of Remus 'trap'.
"Can't tell you here, I'll tell you in the corridor just after school - don't bring any of your friends though!"
"And won't you bring yours?"
"Nahhh, they don't need to know about this. So do we have a deal."
Roman huffed, this was just as bad as social suicide. He didn't want to been seen with his brother, due to the incident three years ago. That no-one could forget. But this year it appeared they have. And Roman was praising whatever mystical being freeded him from another years worth of unnecessary rumours.

And before Virigl could look at anything else, Dee and Logan had packed up their things are left the hall.
"Already?" Thought Virigl, "there's still 20 minutes till next class."

"Virgil, what have you got next?" Patton asked,
"Ermmm, I think I've got R.S."
"Oh, and what teacher?"
"Mrs... Stilgo?"
"Oh, yeah, I don't have heard, but I heard she's the best R.S teacher in school. And there's a rumour that she gives out sweets to those who are good!" Patton chirped, getting a packet out sweets out himself.
"I wish I had her! She sounds so nice!"
"How to I get to that class?"
"Well, you should have a map from your tour guides-"
"I didn't get one..."
"Oh, well Kiddo, you can just ask Roman!"

Virgil's heart stopped, while beating 10 times quicker. He had to go over to the 'tier one' and talk to them!

Virgil felt his legs begin to shake as he worked his way to Roman's bench. His heart rate fly up and he was now aware of his breathing. It took what felt like forever to reach his bench, but in fact it took him about two minutes.

"H-ii Ro-man..." Virgil began, everyone starring at him. A few people started whispering the the person or people next to them as Virgil went to finish his statement.
"Do... Yo-u have that sc-hoo-l map, I-I-I was supposed to be gi-ven?"
Roman stared straight at Virigl for a solid minute, nithi but prolonged eyes contact. Until the girl next to roamsn whispered in his ear. Someth Virgil simply couldn't make out. And Roman did the same to her.

"Of course I have cutie! Here you go!" Roman said with a wink.

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