Brace yourselves.

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Told me I'm allowed to do angst. Therefore angst I will do.

Also trigger warning for:

Panic attack
Bad Language
Implied not good stuff
Remus not being the most insane person
Remus is actually scared so you should be too

While Virgil was sitting awkwardly in class, Remus was walking with Me Harrison.

They went past his class. And then past the teachers class.

Remus tried to loosen the grip of the teacher but it was no use.

"Anyway mate, where are we going?"

"I'm not your mate."

"My deepest apologies Sir. But may you aqaint me with the information of where hither is going this fine afternoon?"

An uneasy, silence.

They walked past a few more classrooms until the came across the sign....

"East Wing"

"Oh," Remus thought, "I thought this was out of use..."

"It is indeed."

"Wha- how did you know what I just thought?"

"Because you say everything out loud..."

Remus began to recognise where they were heading... Isolation...

Remus felt this legs start to tremble as a breeze of cold sent shivers down him. He tried almost desperately to undo the grip of the teacher... But it was too late... He was there...

They stood in front of the doorway. In all of chipped glory. There was graffiti covering the walls, Remus' eye was immediately caught by one in particular...

The last one he had don't before...

It was originally a neon green, but it was faded and warn out. It looked more like a washed out brown. His hand glossed over the graffiti. Until he was pulled away by the teacher...

"Welcome to where you'll be staying for the next week! I'm sure you remember this place. Now get yourself comfortable, I'll get you at the end of the day. And if your work isn't done, I double it."

Mr Harrison spoke, his dead voice echoing through the dim room.

Remus felt his stomach come to his throat, he felt himself being to shake, just enough to hide it though. The tears were already forming in his eyes.

Remus threw himself into the corner and tried to help himself. He tried to focus on something.

Anything to get him out of this hell!

But all he could hear was the door locking, he sound of Mr Harrison's shoes and the sombre silence of the room.

It could have been seconds, minutes, hours. Remus didn't know.
Remus didn't care.

He just wanted to escape.

A way out! From this hell!

Until it happened...
The thing he was hoping wouldn't happen...

The door unlocked...

And laughter started to fill the room.

"Oi! You're right mate. Something like that happened to me too. I told some rando to do my homework or I deck them. And guess what? I decked them! They asked for it!"

"The New Kid".        Sander Side FanficWhere stories live. Discover now