Virgil is a short boi

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Virgil stepped into class with Mr Harrison flowing behind and they immediately went to talk to the teacher. It was a few moments of muttering with the teacher and Virgil trying to not get uncomfortable even though the entire class was starting at him.
Ooh there was gonna be some conspiracy theories about this!

After it had passed, Mrs Alison simply said; "Right class, I know this is a bit of an inconvenience, but I'm changing the seating plan..."
The whole class sighed - looking at Virgil some sort of answer or clarification. He was just rooted in the ground like a tree. His  roots trying to grow themselves out of first degree embarrassment.

"But instead - I'm going to let you double up with whoever you want!"

The class cheered.

"As long as they follow my requirements!"

And there vanished the classes smiley faces. Mrs Alison always new the friendship groups. So they doubted anyone would get to sit with who they actually wanted.

The class all stood up and went to get a pair. Some people just glanced at a friend and immediately agreed they were a pair without speaking a word. Some groups were trying to kick out one if their "threesome".

Virgil was just cluelessly looking around, until he gazed over a Roman. Roman was dismissing people left, right and centre. Until he walked over to Virgil.

Bare in mine that Virgil is a short boi. A short bean if you will.

And Roman is not so small.

For a neat visualization - Virgil is about 5"4 or maybe 5"5 if you round up and Roman is round 5"9 or 5"10

So Virgil is slightly intimidated.

Roman simply asks Virgil with a silky, sooth voice, "Do you want to be my partner?"
Virgil stared, his blank face staring at the wall behind Roman.

"No. Not really" and walked off towards Logan.
Logan smiled smugly at the flabbergasted Roman, who looked like someone just punched him in the face.

"Alright, now please let me see your pairs...
Thomas, you chat go with Joan again. You two will just talk to the entire lesson. Let me think... Jake and Alice - no , you're jk or sitting next to each other, I know you'll just kiss in the corner. And Logan and Virgil... I had a request to say that you two can't sit together... Wait... or was Remus. I'm not sure, so I'm not risking it.
Roman.... No. Stop. Not letting you sit next to him again..."

After the teacher blabbered on for the best half of the lessons - they final had a meeting plan. You don't need to know much- apart from Logan was seated next to Jake right at the front and Virgil was next to Roman right at the back.

The awkwardness when Virgil sat next to Roman after 'rejecting' him kinda hurt. Like... Virgil left bad. He didn't mean to come off so blunt. Just - like. He was still distraught over not being able to see Remus on school grounds.

Virgil sat down and left him legs ache and his injured sting. No one of the teachers had realised it yet.
"Christ on cracker... Got to get myself to the school nurse..." mumbled Virgil.

Lucky and unlikely for him. Roman heard.

"What's the matter Virge?"

"What???" Virgil thought, "He isn't angry with me??? Wha- How??? Is he... like... Jesus or something?!?!?"

And Roman didn't have the pleasure of being to read people thought like you do. So all he saw was a thoroughly confused Virgil looking at him with dead eyes. It was weird.

Roman simply tapped Virgil's shoulder and asked if he was 'gucci'.

Virgil shuddered as they began to talk...

"So do you know why everyone was moved?"

"Yeah... Kinda sad to be honest..."

"Wanna explain? Or are you just gonna keep me in the dark about it?"

"Me and Remus maybeeeeeeeee got caught eating ice cream and listening to FOB."

"Oh. Big oof I guess."

The awkward silence returned...

Roman was generally looking around - at his friends, occasionally the actual learning...

And then noticed ...

Virgil had a bruised eye that was thinly masked with makeup. But because he kept touching his eyes, most of it had rubbed off. He had a lump on his knees covered by trousers. And when he walked in... He was quite unsteady...
Like he was hiding a limp or something...

Roman got suspicious...

And he wanted to find out why...

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